
Yay! Hooray! It's Finally here!

We have an extra special treat for you today, just in time for Halloween. It's the highly anticipated moment we've all been waiting for here on The Cart-- Dylan's latest project (and final video utilizing the set that takes up our entire garage) is done! So it is with much pleasure that I very proudly present (drum roll please) Paperhand Lincoln's West Coast video. . .

Stay tuned for some sort of behind-the-scenes/making-of video.
I have the coolest husband ever.


  1. Happy Halloween!

    Dylan's work is wonderful. :)

  2. Super cool!! My guy really enjoyed it too :)

  3. I figured out the neat use of your cell phones before the end. That is terrific. Love the tune. So much talent. How do you fit it all in?

  4. GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. How'd he do that? Wow!

  6. OMG! That was so cool. Great job, Dylan! I'm so impressed. I love the little puppet with the video face. How ingenious! Congrats on finishing such a cool project!

  7. This is too cute! I love it! You really DO have the coolest husband ever!! :o)

  8. Hey Dylan, do you you want a 62 year old plus-sized groupie to follow you around? I'm applying for the position!!!! LOL! YOU TOTALLY ROCK! I am convinced of 3 things: first, you AND Jo are the most talented & versatile artists ANYWHERE! Second, you are wonderfully CRAZZZZZZZY! And third, I need you & Jo to ADOPT me! LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVE THIS!!!

  9. You're home must be such a fun place to be!


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