
Randomness a la Cart

Over the past few days, I. . .

. . .made some skelly friends. (One of these guys will be this Sunday's Something-New.)

. . .finally got a whole bunch of much-needed new brushes!
(There was much rejoicing.) And made an elephant.

. . .took a day off and went to the coast to visit my folks.
. . .brushed my dog. A lot.
. . .got a big batch of awesome giveaway prizes from Retro Cafe Art Gallery!
Can't wait to have fun making stuff with this!
. . .got these two gorgeous prints from Amalia over at Pencils and Fireflies!
. . .managed to grow the world's tiniest tomato. I prefer to think of it as miniature cuteness rather than a failed attempt at gardening.

I also noticed that the leaves are starting to turn orange, the night's are getting chilly, and the days are getting shorter. Autumn is just around the corner!


  1. How do you find all the lucky drawing sites? I am a real dud at doing that!
    love the skelly kids. will you be spinning the fluff?

    1. I saw the giveaways on Facebook.
      And no, no spinning going on.

  2. Ah, sounds like a lot of good times. Love the fluffiness of your doggie. And I'd rejoice too for new brushes! Yeah, congrats on all your good luck in winning!

    I have a giveaway on my facebook now. Everyone who votes for the winning paper puppet will win a Printable PDF of it. They're all Halloween paper puppets like a witch and vampire. Fun stuff.


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