
Today's Table (Work in Progress)

I'm slowly but surely making progress on this week's projects. There's lots of pesky drying time involved in sculpting, so it's a good thing I always have a bunch of projects going on at once. Wouldn't want these naughty hands of mine to get too idle. 

I'm sticking to my goal of finishing everything on the table before starting anything new. You can't see me, but I'm making what I imagine to be a very resolved expression. (Although, I do admit to doing some research here and there for non-table project. Sometimes I just can't help myself.) 

I took an unexpected day off yesterday to enjoy some spontaneous family time, so I'm working a double shift today. Got my iPod all loaded up with my favorite podcasts and ready to dive in! The dishes will just have to wait. A girl's gotta have priorities, and in this house Art beats Dishes most of the time.


  1. Art beats dishes in my house too. ;0)

  2. I am impatient, and I can't wait to see how you paint your new kitty.


    1. You won't have to wait too long :)

  3. Haha, that's good! And this is looking very promising:D


  4. Dishes will always be there, art waits for no one! :)

  5. ..."Amen" to what Georgia said up there. :o)

    ...LOVE that lil' pumpkin mobile! Can that come in my size with a 6 cyl. please? ;o)

    ...Yeah, like my Grandma used to say, "idle hands are the devil's workshop".

    ...Have a lovely evening!

    ...Blessings :o)

  6. Love this happy kitty!Can't wait to see him painted.I made up some of your cat cones to give to the Animal Welfare Thrift Shop. They were snapped up apparently.Thank you so much for that tutorial Jo.

    1. Cool! And the kitties look great :)

  7. I'll take art over dishes any day! You got my vote on this one! The cat looks like it's coming along even if you have to wait for it to dry. How fun to have a family day off. Hope you had fun. Glad you're sticking to your resolve. Good job!

  8. I worked at Penland Gallery where my boss called it "clearing the decks". That is what I am doing right now before starting any other projects even though my mind is teaming with new work I want to work on instead. I admire you for sticking to your resolve. I have a hard time doing that!

  9. Art beats the heck out of dishes. :) I love that you finish the table projects before moving on. I need to follow your example!


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