
Something-New Tuesday

I'm kinda in love with this latest beastie, purple and all.

I mean, who wouldn't be in love with those boots?

And she looks so sweet sitting on my shelf, it'll be sad to see her go.
Oh well, she has 8 sisters in the works. They can keep me company.

I'm having trouble naming this one.
She's quiet, and not offering any suggestions.
Any ideas?

Name or no name, she'll be up for grabs this evening.
8:PM Pacific Time.


  1. she's a real beauty jo and the shoes to die for :) simone or selene. xOx

  2. Beautiful!!!
    She looks like a Willow to me.
    Maybe one of her sisters could wear a witches hat????
    Straw colored hair??
    Hi back ruffled collar. Oh, sorry, I should stop now.
    Your creations are magical.
    Hugs, Morena

  3. She is awesome! I think her name should be Winsome...

  4. She looks like a Beatrice.
    Just discovered your site. Love your work!

  5. Don't know why but would say Rosamund :-) She's lovely!


Thanks for stopping by!