
Today's Table (I really need to get more creative with these titles.)

Got a bunch of new designs and templates made yesterday. That's Step 1 in our making-stuff process. Now they're all ready for Step 2, Dylan to do his magic sewing-and-stuffing thing. I can't wait to play with them! He has been neck deep in his latest video for the past couple of weeks, so we'll see if I can drag him away long enough to make some blanks for me. I think he has maybe a minute of his 3-minute video done, one second at a time. He's really sinking his creative teeth into this one. No one is safe from being recruited drafted into puppeteering service at any given moment. 


  1. Hahahaahahahaa! I like the title. That's so cool to find out how the magic all starts. Good luck getting Dylan away from his music videos. I'm fascinated by all your creativity! How fun to be a part of your tribe!

  2. I believe in saying what you mean & meaning what you say, so I think your title is exactly RIGHT, lil' Jo! And, so you'll know, I HAVE been checking your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY but I've worked so many hours this summer that I am BEYOND exhausted & haven't done as much commenting! Can't wait tho' to see what you & Dylan are up to! XXXOOO!!! Kai

  3. I can't believe I hadn't become a follower of your blog as I've know about you guys since the fall of 2008! Oh, well..now's as good a time as any!
    Love your latest creations!
    Teresa in California
    Cloth and Clay Doll ning
    MAIDA doll ning


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