
Tuesday's Artist: Judy Kaufmann

In order to keep my creative tank chugging along I like to fill it with all sorts of visual fuel. This "Tuesday's Artist" thing is my way of sharing some of the artists that inspire and delight me. I asked them to do a little finish-this-sentence sort of mini-interview so we might get to know them a little better. 
This week's spotlight is shining on Judy Kaufmann. Born in Chili, she now lives and works in beautiful Barcelona. I'm a sucker for repetition and adherence to traditional rules of design, which she uber-utilizes in many of her works. But I'm especially taken with her highly stylized and deceptively simple portraits of pop culture icons. She manages to capture not only the likeness and personality of her subject but also to interject her own personal style, and with such restraint! And yet, her work manages to somehow be both restrained and spontaneous. How cool is that??

Judy says:

If I wasn't an artist maybe I'd be a psychologist.
I'm really good at sleeping.

I'd like to be better at math.

When I was a kid I was a non-stop moving girl.

My workspace is comfortable & colorful.

Today, I'm listening to my boyfriend singing!

Right now, I'm really into my bed! (It's Sunday!)
I hope that my art will feed me for the rest of my life.

You can see more of Judy on her website, her blog, or her shop.

Who helps stoke your creative fire?


  1. What cool portraits! I especially love the Frida Kahlo one!

  2. I too love the pop culture icons. All her work is so fun and simple. I really like your Tuesday mini artist interviews.

    BTW, did you see the blog post about you on the Czech Toy blog, "Brichopas"? If not, here's the link ( http://brichopas.blogspot.com/2012/06/cart-before-horse.html ).

    She did a very nice post about my paper toys and paper dolls before. I'm always honored and humbled when I'm featured.

  3. These are amazing. Frida and Chaplin are fantastic. I find it funny she said if she wasn't an artist she would be a psychologist. I graduated Psychology and am an artist... ;-)


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