
Tuesday's Artist: Yellena James

In order to keep my creative tank chugging along I like to fill it with all sorts of visual fuel. This "Tuesday's Artist" thing is my way of sharing some of the artists that inspire and delight me. I asked them to do a little finish-this-sentence sort of mini-interview so we might get to know them a little better. This week's spotlight is shining on Yellena James. 
You may have noticed that Yellena and I share a last name. Coincidence? Nope, she's my sister-in-law. I'm very lucky to have her and my brother so close by (they live in Portland), as both of them are constant sources of inspiration. Yellena and I were even art majors together 10 years ago. Naturally, I have several of her pieces hanging in my home. I love how they're both familiar and foreign. Glimpses of infinite fantastical distant nebula, but also peeks into tiny unseen microscopic worlds. Both organic and cosmic. Plus, they're just really pretty! 
She says:
If I wasn't an artist maybe I'd be a piano player.

Today, I'm listening to Balkan Express by Gramatik.
I'm really good at drawing.

I'd like to be better at being more organized. 


When I was a kid I wore giant yellow glasses.  

I hate it when I spend too much time without making new work.  
My workspace is a beautifully renovated studio that my husband just finished for me a month ago. It's my favorite place to be.  

Right now, I'm really into jewelry made out of porcelain. 
You can see more of Yellena on her website and in her shop.
Also, she has a show next month at Gallery Hijinks in San Francisco.


  1. What beautiful work. Thanks for sharing

  2. Wow, they're so intricate! I love the colors.

  3. These are so beautiful. I really like her style of work. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I look forward to tuesdays lately...as I know you'll share someone wonderful with us,...you SIL creates beautiful works ~ compelling and throught-provoking...extremely organic and definitely cosmic...they vibrate with color and complexity, but in a very serene way,...almost submerged and nautical-like. Could look at her work forever and not "see" it all...

    Thanks Jo!
    Blessed be,

  5. Anonymous5/09/2012

    Wow!!! Love the feel of her work! It's mesmerizing!


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