
Tuesday Artist: Inaluxe

In order to keep my creative tank chugging along I like to fill it with all sorts of visual fuel. This "Tuesday's Artist" thing is my way of sharing some of the artists that inspire and delight me. I asked them to do a little finish-this-sentence sort of mini-interview so we might get to know them a little better. This week's spotlight is shining on Kristina Sostarko and Jason Odd, who together make up Inaluxe (you know I love a good partnership), from Grampians, Australia. I enjoy their uncluttered compositions, generous yet thoughtful use of color, and their impeccable use of repetition within each piece. I love how their stuff uses all the grown-up sort of design techniques, but still maintains its childlike quality.
Hopeful Sooty Owl
Kristina says:

If I wasn't an artist maybe I'd be an architect.

Today, I'm listening to Camera Obscura and Johnny Paycheck.

A Forest of Three
I'm really good at making a mess mostly, and putting things together. And I make a pretty mean coffee. 

I'd like to be better at building and renovating.
Our Little Friends
When I was a kid I was fixated with an old Croatian lullabye my father sang about a white rabbit that gets lost in the snow and dies. I used to make him change the ending of the song so the rabbit would live. 

I hate it when it rains and you've just put the washing out, when you come to the end of an awesome series like Northern Exposure, and I hate running out of wine. 
One Million Short Stories
My workspace is a monster that takes up most of the house! 

Right now, I'm really into organising, and spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new! On a cosmetic home level, and personal level. Gearing up for spring here, and look forward to building our large vegetable and herb garden. 

I hope that my art is constantly evolving and changing. 
Belly Rubs and Fox Cubs

You can see more of Inaluxe in their shop or on their blog.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love Kristina's artwork. And I'm really enjoying this weekly Tuesday artist interview. I'm discovering some lovely artists from you. Thank you.


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