
Sneak-Peek Saturday

So excited about this latest batch of one-of-a-kinds. . . 

. . .that I just couldn't wait til tomorrow to share! 
I'll be back tomorrow with more pictures though.
I still need to name them. Any suggestions?

Everybody will be up for grabs in our shop tomorrow,
Sunday, May 27, 5:PM Pacific Time.


  1. OH, I LOOOOVE THEM! Who KNEW skeltal females could be so beautiful and feminine? WOW! Each piece is just plain FUN, Jo! And the only one whose name was a no-brainer for me? The Devil. He's Dylan, of course! I mean, LOOK at the facial expression. Yep! I can see Dylan getting that winky lil' tongue-in-cheek look when he's creating his fabulous videos. And the skelly girls could be Bone-ita, Boney-face, and Boney-suerte. (Pretty, Beautiful Face, and Good Luck!) Just kidding!

  2. That was an awesome early sneak peek! I love them all but my fav is the Skelly girls. Fun-tastic!

    Kai - Bone-ita! LOVE that and it is funny.

  3. Um, only AWESOME! I love Dia de los Muertos and this only adds to my appreciation of it. Amazing work you guys do. I'm always in awe of your creativity.

  4. OMG! They're beautiful. The devil with his wee skeleton pal is so amazing. Everything look terrific. Great job, Dyland and Jo! Whooo hooo!


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