
Mailbox Love

Lookie what the postman (or it that postperson?) brought me-
So many buttons!! And my favorite kind. . .old! Can't wait for a day off so I can go all Zen-like with sorting them. The Ol' Softee herself,  Pam Gracia, sent them to me. Thank you, Pam! And (as if I weren't spoiled enough) my favorite Dutch artist pal Kitty Kilian surprised me with another tidbit of awesomeness which is now gracing my refrigerator gallery. Thank you, Kitty! Out of the blue generosity, no special occasion or anything, somtimes life is just sweet.
Do you stick things on your fridge too?


  1. Yes- my fridge has the token photos of kids that don't "belong to us", Coast Guard Sticker, something about Frog Love and a magnet about "Doxitude"- for dachshunds (which I have 4).

  2. I love putting things on the fridge. You see them all the time that way. :)

    Love the giant pile of buttons - yum!

  3. Oh how wonderful!!!!!!!!!! Scrumptious buttons galore!!!! You Are Loved ,Joee!!!!!!!!
    : D

  4. I have never seen such a giant fridge!

  5. I got my own 'mailbox love' today.

    My little rain drop arrived in the post, she sat on the table watching me pootle about and I occasionally caught a glimpse of her.

    She reminded me of a newborn baby, who is just happy watching the day go by....a lovely image.

    Virtual coins well spent....x

  6. Hey Jo! Found you put a photo on my FB wall.. now how on earth do you do that.. and here is it again! Cheeky! ;-)


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