
Oh Santa, say it ain't so!


Okay fine Santa-dear, 
drink and smoke if you must. . .
 . . .but if you bring me an ironing board for Christmas, we're through!


  1. Hahaha! Thanks for making my friday morning a bit easier... and definately I'd break up with him to if he brought me a thing like that. Hope you have a great week end. :)

  2. Yeah, I wouldn't sit on the lap of smoke-smelling, yellow-bearded Santa, although I guess a snort or two of Guinness couldn't hurt. But that ironing board would hurt, coming down on that red-felted head.

  3. No fair making me laugh so hard this early! Boy, am I EVER glad it's no longer considered 'cool' to smoke. I think seeing SANTA smoking (or DRINKING, for that matter) is unsettling! But seeing him delivering an IRONING BOARD? Now, that's cause to BANISH the old guy. I promised my grandkids I'd NEVER be an underwear or umbrella giving kind of grandma, & I never HAVE been. So Santa needs to retire ironing boards, vacuums, etc. unless specifically REQUESTED. (And WHO would request that???) You're a cutie, Jo!

  4. Don't care for the smoking, but after delivering the presents on Christmas Eve, a nice cold Guinness might not be too bad! However, if he ever brings me an ironing board or anything like it...we're through! :0)


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