
Tuesday's Artist: Laura Lloyd

In order to keep my creative tank chugging along I like to fill it with all sorts of visual fuel. This "Tuesday's Artist" thing is my way of sharing some of the artists that inspire and delight me. I asked them to do a little finish-this-sentence sort of mini-interview so we might get to know them a little better.

This week's spotlight is shining on Laura Lloyd. I'm madly in love with her sculptural pieces! I love everything about them-- their luscious textures, straightforward-but-still-engaging palette, striking expressions, and a healthy dose of humor. I also love how solid they look; there is something very sturdy and still about them. I find their often-exaggerated expressions to be very human and sort of strangely comforting.
Still Standing
Laura says:
If I wasn't an artist maybe I'd be. . . 
hmmm, maybe an interior designer? I love those makeover shows.
Today, I'm listening to Frank Sinatra.
A Good Head on his Shoulder
 I'm really good at getting lots of things started all at once.
Finishing? Well, no comment.
Dog Person
I'd like to be better at focusing on one thing, 
seeing projects through to completion without tearing my hair out.
When I was a kid I was shy.
I hate it when I have to write anything.....I really lock up.
Much easier to draw and create.
Training Wheels
My workspace is full of art and pictures I like and lots and lots of ideas for inspiration.
Right now, I'm really into summertime (mothering 5 kids),
which leave precious little time for artwork.
Strong Man
You can see more of Laura Lloyd's work on her website.


  1. OMG!!!! How fun is SHE? I grinned all the way through these! Going to visit her site! Thanks, lil' Jo!

  2. Fascinating!! I'm going back for a third look.

  3. Anonymous8/16/2011

    Simply LOVE!!!!

  4. Wow these are eye catchers ! I can picture one in front of an empty wall saying " hey you ! cheer up ! "

  5. Wow awesome work! really love their expression...

  6. I love her work! She is amazing. :)

  7. WOW! wow! Wow!
    I'm off to see her website!


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