
Tuesday's Artist: Elly MacKay

In order to keep my creative tank chugging along I like to fill it with all sorts of visual fuel. This "Tuesday's Artist" thing is my way of sharing some of the artists that inspire and delight me. I asked them to do a little finish-this-sentence sort of mini-interview so we might get to know them a little better.
This week's spotlight is shining on Elly MacKay, an artist living in Owen Sound, Ontario. She makes her dreamy images by cutting paper figures out and layering them in a miniature theater. Then she "plays with the lights and filters to create atmosphere and then photographs the scenes." I really love the illustrative quality of her cut out bits combined with the depth of the photography. To me, it feels like storybooks have come to life.

She says:

If I wasn't an artist maybe I'd be heartbroken. Perhaps I would be a set designer or something else that would allow me to make things with my hands. I've always wanted to run a general store too - filled with wonders in little drawers.

Today, I'm listening to the CBC - Q.

I'm really good at reading stories out-loud to my little girl, making cookies, and finding horn coral on the beach.

I'd like to be better at learning languages, singing, and gardening. Our family has taken up gardening and we are transforming the backyard. The poppies, forget-me-knots, and herbs are bringing it to life!

When I was a kid I was a dreamer. I still am.

I hate it when I realize I've left the laundry out and it begins to rain. Fortunately, my husband usually does the laundry.
 My workspace is messy today. Project on the go.

Right now, I'm really into penny candy and raspberries. I'm pregnant and can't get enough of either.
I hope that my art makes others feel like spending a little time dreaming too.

You can see more of Elly MacKay at her shop, website, or blog.


  1. She is one of my favorites. I have tagged her on flickr.

  2. This is wonderful! Thank for this introduction to Elly's work

  3. She's FABULOUS! I just went over & bookmarked her blog. Later I'll have a LOOOOONG visit! Thank you, Jo, for these lovely introductions to different artists.

  4. Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful!!!!


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