
G. . .and some other stuff too.

Just finished the latest in our Alphabet Series.
G is for Garrison Goat and his Green Guitar-

Also, yesterday's mysterious circle is revealed . . .
Tah-Dah! It's a skirt for a panda girl-
I finished Miss Pandy last night too. Isn't she darling? Panda's always remind me of my girly. She has a stuffed toy named Pandy that has been her companion since she was 3 days old.
Pandy Panda is a one-of-a-kind piece.
You can see more of her in our Etsy shop here.

Finished two more new one-of-a-kind pieces too!
Alice in her wheelie Cheshire kitty. . .

. . .and Pinocchio's done too. 
(Little Red is quite rightly hesitant to trust him.)

Whew. . .Now on the the next batch!


  1. Alice and the Cheshire Cat are wheely lovely!

  2. Darling! The Panda girl is so precious!

  3. Jo! Потрясающе! У панды и Пиноккио очень проникновенный взгляд! Спасибо за это чудо!

  4. Okay. Now I KNOW your Comanche name! I give you Tabukina. It means 'rabbit' because you produce art faster than a rabbit produces lil' bunnies! AMAZING! I love each new piece, & cracked up over Red's wary look at her long-nosed companion. LOL!

  5. The panda girl is so sweet, what a lovely face she has!

  6. Жаль, конечно, что не на одном языке общаемся... Как бы это получше сказать...Ваши работы очень красивые, милые, оригинальные!!!! Какая сложная техника!!! Результат потрясает! Обожаю ваши работы! Вы НАСТОЯЩИЙ ХУДОЖНИК и творец!!!!

  7. девочка с кошкой бесподобна!

  8. Я чувствую себя таким особенным получать комментарии на русском языке:)
    Спасибо за добрые слова!

  9. Your work is so beautiful and delicate! Love the panda and the goat :-) Oh and the pinnochio too!

  10. your work its beautiful!
    lovely ..
    hugs from Chile


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