
D (and Today's Table)

D is for Dalmatian and Ducky

And here's a peek at today's going-ons in their various degrees of undoneness-
The letters I and G are there in the works amongst all the bits and pieces. 
H is still on Dylan's table.

It's a gorgeous day here in Oregon! The sun is shining in a cloudless sky, which is a rare thing indeed this year.  Laundry is laundering, groceries are bought, and company's coming. At some point the house needs to be tidied and I need to buy 16 liters of soda and put them on ice for Boy Kid's band thingy.
I love having a do-able list.
I hope you're all having a bright day with a short list.


  1. Hurray for sunbeams and lists that can be easily and neatly checked off! Love Mr. Dalmation!

  2. I haven't been remiss in reading your blog, but AWAY briefly & unable to post much. Your alphabet series is coming along brilliantly! I showed my housemate and he stood here gaping so long I had to shoo him out! LOL! Hope you had fun with your company! We were a VERY uncomfy, steamy-and-later-stormy 105 degrees yesterday. Expecting 103 and afternoon/night storms TODAY. Sigh. I need to be in Oregon!

  3. Anonymous6/07/2011

    I have been drooling over your work for years. Really, some of the most unique and well executed art I've seen. I am determined one day to have a collection of your work! I love to be able to see the process now! Cheers.


Thanks for stopping by!