
Chocolate-Dipped Pinocchio

Here's a peek at today's table-
So excited to be working on a bunch of one-of-a-kind pieces this week!
The sculpted heads up there are in their chocolate-dipped phase. I like to give my paperclay stuff a couple of nice fat base coats of burnt umber before painting them with their more colorful base coats. Is it still a base coat if it's 3 layers deep? And I'm making a Pinocchio too! Obviously this particular Pinocchio has been less than honest. His tell-tale nose will be sprouting tiny fabric leaves before I'm done with him. Lots more stuff in the works too. I'm having a little trouble reigning myself in.


  1. I am in awe of your talent. Just amazing!

  2. You were reading my mind, lil' Jo! I was going to email you and see how you're doing there sans Dylan & boy child! You okay? It LOOKS as tho' you are not only OKAY, you are EXTREMELY productive! As always, cannot wait to see the finished creations! If you get lonesome, email me & I will annoy ... er ... entertain you until you are GLAD to have some peace & quiet! LOL! BIG HUGS!

  3. They look great so far! I love the Humpty Dumpty!

  4. I love seeing works in progress!

  5. Так здорово наблюдать за процессом! Вы волшебники, спасибо за сказку!


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