
James Soyer

We got a note last month from England saying that 12-year-old James was about to have his 13th birthday, and all he asked for from his parents was a piece of our artwork. We were honored! How many kids are becoming art collectors at such an age? We figured he must be a very cool kid (with impeccable taste, of course). We were so right, what an artist! Upon checking yesterday's mail, we were completely thrilled with an amazing assortment of drawings that he made for us.

Chock full of anthropomorphic awesomeness!
Thank you, James.
I'm off to get a frame today so I can hang our favorites up in the studio.


  1. brilliant lines and imagination! a genius in the making

  2. Looks as if he's a chip off the ol' block!!

  3. How wonderful! I love the coffee bean.

  4. James, those fish are ab fab! Keep it up!

  5. Really good taste in deed! And a very gifted artist! What a nice post! ^o^


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