
Ginger Root

While College Girl was visiting last week she put together an Etsy shop to try to sell some of her artsy goodness. Everything in her shop is an original, just like her. While she was here, she made little paintings-

Little paper cuttings-

 And combinations of the two-
This one's my favorite, as my favorite Little Red dolly is modeling for it and it has such a dreamy quality.
And, like her mom, College Girl's a fan of variations on a theme-

She's nervous putting her stuff into such a public forum, but she's a brave kid. Sitting at my worktable while we both do our arty thing is so. . .well, there are no words for how amazingly wonderful it is. I've always felt like the luckiest mom in the world.


  1. What a talent (like her Mom and Dad!). Wishing her the best with her artistic adventures - I know she'll go far! :)

  2. She is wonderful, I can see her roots from mom and dad with a clear voice of her own. I know you must be very proud!

    I'm off to heart her shop!


  3. Your daughter's art is beautiful! How fun and exciting to create together!

  4. I wonder ... if you and Dylan ADOPTED me, do you think maybe some - even a teeny, tiny BIT - of your family's artistic talent may rub off on ME? OBVIOUSLY, your daughter has inherited your artistic gene! WOW! She's AWESOME!

  5. Yay! Thank you! It's so nice working at your table with you. Also, while I was home I found myself working on art while listening to hour upon hour of This American Life. God, I'm you!!

  6. Hurray for College Girl for taking the Etsy leap! Your artwork is wonderful!

  7. The acorn doesn't fall far from the tree...but I AM the luckiest mom in the world...I suppose most moms feel that way... I will visit her Etsy goodness.


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