
Scenes from the Studio

The new studio is almost done! It has been workable since day 3, but the prettification continues. I still have to make some pillows, but we got shelves put up last night. We painted a block of color behind them to break up the big blank space. (You'll have to forgive the crappy photos, the lighting in there still needs work. And no, the color block and shelves aren't crooked, but apparently my camera is.)
A few of my favorite things. . .
This morning's table greeted me with 5 faceless newbies-in-the-works. I can hardly wait to finish them. I love this part! Now is when they really come to life.

Hope you're all having a colorful day.


  1. Anonymous7/12/2010

    So glad to see your pretty-ing the studio...

    Yay 5 new faces!!!

    : ) Pattee

  2. I'm hanging my head in embarrassment. YOU are SO neat and ORGANIZED! maybe that's my problem...I need to "clear" a space to just START something.

  3. its looking good! I love those shelves, where did you get them?

  4. I got the brackets at Ikea and just painted pine boards to fit :)

  5. Love that color! It makes me want to get up and dance and then head to my studio -- which is, uh, not quite so neat as yours.

  6. Oh the little deer! And I love those "new kids on the block" in that last shot. Great colour there in your prettification.



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