

Drip, drip, drip. . .
All of them are different.
This one is Dylan's and my favorite.
I'd like to cover an entire wall with them.

We've got them in our Etsy shop
for an especially low price, just to be nice.
All gone!
Raindrops scattered across the continent (and another continent too). I think we'll make another batch soon.

Which one do you like best?


  1. I think the wall is amazing.. I'm a gemini so I can't decide between the top dark on with gray eyes, or the very bottom dark gray one with rosebud lips!! So fun!

    Peace Giggles

  2. Anonymous7/22/2010

    I swear you two are the most creative people on the PLANET! Oh they are amazing - what a wonderful idea! I like the teal colored one with the teardrop! Fantastic as always - maybe this will inspire me to step out of the box!

    XOXO Jess

  3. These are wonderful wall accents!

  4. ...That one. That is just too sweet... :o)

    ...I love your faces! They're perfect, each and every one is perfect.

    ...Blessin's... :o)

  5. I like the blue one second row from top on th left - it reminds me of my niece!

  6. Once again - Fabulous!

  7. Your raindrops are sweet! :)

  8. THE WHITE ONE! But I love them ALL - especially grouped in all their raindroppy cuteness! Only YOU could make something so teeny that adorable!

  9. Oh Jo, these are quite possibly the sweetest things I have EVER seen. That little noggin of yours is so clever.

  10. Those are really neat and I could see them on a wall.
    I like the one you choose, too.


  11. Jo these are very cleaver and they bring a smile to my face. I always love to see what you are up to.

  12. They are all so adorable. What one needs is to have dozens of these on one side of a movable wall and dozens of happy suns on the other side. One could flip the wall with the weather.

  13. I am very happy to say I like MINE!! and cannot wait for her to arrive very SOON in the post :-)

  14. Pure delight! A whole wall of rain drops will be amazing. I think the bottom 2 are my favourites.

  15. Shoot! I would have loved to have snagged one! I like them all, I think they are adorable. Any chance I could reserve a couple? :)

  16. As an Oregonian, I love summer, but always look forward to the rain when we can all get back to our real lives indoors. The teal raindrop with the slightly smug expression is my favorite. I think she's an Oregonian too.

  17. Love them all and mine arrived in the mail yesterday! I LOVE it and now am a proud owner of CARTBTH Art. Yipppeeee! :+}


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