

Our new town just celebrated it's birthday with a parade. What fun for our visiting nieces! We scored an awful lot of candy tossed by enthusiastic parade-players. Here are a few of my favorite featured parade participants-
(Yes, that's a garbage truck.)
The aluminum foil robots were my very favorite part.
My camera was doing stupid things, so I missed out on pictures of all the Maid Marians and Robinhoods, a slew of campaigning politicians, way too many dentists, the unicycling club, and the Larpers. (For those of you who aren't familiar with the term LARP, I suggest you Google it. Seriously, it's surreal in so many ways.) The neices were thrilled with the amount of real princesses that they got to see!

Oh small-town America, we love you so!


  1. Now THAT'S what I call a REAL town to live in! Seriously! I DREAM of living someplace like that! I'm so glad for you!

  2. What fun!! They would always end the parades in our home town with the street sweepers!


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