
Company's Coming!

There's no better excuse for me to finish up some little homey projects than company coming over. Late tonight we get to see Dylan's brother, Morgan, and family (including our adorable nieces woohoo). They'll all be staying here for a few days. Needless to say, there are little-girl craft plans in the works. Morgan just finished a tour in Afghanistan and we are super happy to have him back home with his family.

Anyway, I got a yard of some yummy fabric from Ikea last week with the plan of recovering this chair-
It was a $2 garage sale find. I thought it had potential. It's really sturdy metal but the fabric on it is some sort of  itchy blue burlappy stuff with stains here and there. So I took the cushions off (with Tuzy the Wonder Fluff standing by in case I was in need of any assistance).
That was easy. Gave it a scrub.
The blue fabric is held on with staples, but I didn't have the right kind, so I just used high-temp hot glue. Worked just fine and dandy.
Trimmed up the fabric as I went along.
Then put it all back together.
The whole thing took about an hour, and cost less than $7!
AND I had enough fabric left over to make the front of a big ole pillow. The pillow back is just cheaper cotton fabric that I already had.

And what's ONE pillow without a friend? So I made another. And another.
An inexpensive black cover, and a crappy old futon gets a new life in the studio.
Now I'm off to do less fun stuff, like laundry.
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What's your least favorite chore?


  1. The fabric sure does make a difference, it looks perfect for that chair and the matching pillows, really look nice with the black.


  2. wow...you should be on one of sites with the dumpster/goodwill makeovers!!
    seriously....very cool!

  3. looks great! gotta love ikea! the one in seattle doesn't carry fabric:( but sometimes you can get some great sheets that are pretty.

    i loved your girly craft comment, having 2 boys and all my neices living in other towns i always try to do something when we are all together. neither of their mothers like to do fun artys stuff, which helps me be a pretty cool fun aunt lol

  4. Great stuff! I had to laugh at the least favourite chore, mine will have to be ironing, unless it is craft related! hence all my clothes are drip dry and wash and wear.

  5. Fantastic! That chair redo was brilliant!

  6. I love your chair! And I have a crappy futon just like that. I think I will give it a makeover. :) My least favorite chore? Hmmmm...maybe cleaning bathrooms. Hard to pick just one - haha!

  7. Yeh, the bathrooms are my least favorite. I, too, like to put 'crafts' together for the nieces when they come for the holidays! Nice makeover and great pillows!

  8. Yep! It's got to be the bathroom, I should be doing it at this moment...

    Chair is a transformation, IKEA will want your idea, and cushions look great, it's suprising what you can do with a bit of fabric and a sewing machine..

    I now have to go and rescue a giant bee out of the conservatory... The loo will have to wait a bit longer.

  9. Anonymous7/16/2010

    I like that IKEA fabric a lot. Cool chair makeover. And, my least favorite chore is sorting socks.

  10. Wonderful chair makeover, Joee!

    My favorite chore is laundry right now. But I had to get a new washer and dryer which makes it fun. :-)

  11. Two of my favorite words: "company's coming".
    Two more of my favorite words: "company's leaving".
    Dusting...hate it 'cause I have to move stuff, then get caught up in looking at what I'm moving then, days have gone by and dusting still isn't finished!
    Great job on the chair and pillows; you're an inspiration.

  12. Love the chair Jo! I HATE cleaning out the refrigerator....

  13. Everything looks fantastic! What a difference a little TLC makes. I'm sure your company will enjoy working in the studio!
    I'm thinking bathrooms aren't too fun..


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