
Black and Orange

Here's a little mixed-up peek at our latest girls.
 The two new one-of-a-kinds are getting up to mischief in the studio today. I'll have to figure out something to keep them occupied until Saturday, July 31st which is when they'll become available. One will be joining its friends over on the EHAG Emporium at 9:pm EST, and one will be in our Etsy shop an hour later.

Meanwhile our tiny new-to-us air conditioner is happily humming away, blessing the studio with its sweet icy breath.

Hope you're all staying cool today.


  1. beautiful...i can't wait to see the full shot!

  2. Oh you're a tease!!!! It is way too cool here. Cant wait for the Summer.... although it never seems to last long enough

  3. So unique and creative...anxious to see more!

  4. We woke up to 85 degrees this a.m. This halloweenie goodness is making me long for some fall weather!

  5. Jo, I just wanted to thank you for the little wish box you sent along with Alice :) I will make a wish and put it in the box for an artist friend of mine who has recently suffered total kidney failure. It will make her day. Thanks again for your kind and generous spirit :)


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