
On the Table

I'm working on a bunch of limited edition pieces this week, so today's table is full of 'em. You can get a glimpse of my method for making a series of almost-the-same pieces.
Each limited edition piece has its own page. On one side there's a chart that keeps track of the edition size and what number I'm working on next. The other side is for pictures of the piece and my notes to myself so I can accurately reproduce my own work.

Maybe it's not the most creative part of what I do, but it's still satisfying work. I helps to sharpen drawing and painting skills, and sometimes the creative side of my brain needs to recharge.


  1. I really love seeing your pieces in progress! So neat!

  2. As a VERY organized Virgo person, I love your method of creating! But today it made me - HUNGRY! "WHAT????" you ask. "Hungry?" Yes! The flower centers to the right of your picture reminded me of lovely fried eggs and of the fact that I have eaten NOTHING so far today & it's already 12:15. LOL! So I will admire all your pretties a bit longer, then go find myself something to munch! Now aren't you sorry you allow me to comment on your blog?

  3. I love "on the table" day!

  4. Your Mushroom Head sketches are beautiful.
    Our course your other work is too, but they are striking. I would like a whole children's book about them.

  5. I, too, love seeing what's on your table!

  6. Actually "on the table day" leaves me in awe of your organization and cleanliness. Maybe that's the real trick to actually being productive-- it doesn't help at all when you can't even get to the work table. ;-)

  7. Awesome, wonderful, yummy for the eyes! LoL

  8. Adorei seu trabalho, é realmente lindo.


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