
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking. . .

Today finds me making (among other things) announcements for my baby girl's upcoming high school graduation. She made the drawing of herself as the graduate for us to stick on the front of the cards. Such a talented kid!

We just found out that she's Valedictorian (yay Kaity!)
so there's a lot to celebrate.
Despite my pride and general gushiness towards the brilliant redhead, I'm still feeling sad about her going off into the world. That's all reasonable, I know, but I'm also feeling unreasonably miffed with Time. I just wanna punch that little thief in the face.


  1. My girl is graduating too. Sadness mixed with happiness.

  2. maybe some house hunting in walla walla?:)

  3. Wow! Valedictorian - pretty impressive, but no surprise given her brilliant genes, hehe...BIG congrats to Kaity!!

    ~ Carolee

  4. Aw. My husband just was reminding me last night that we will be longing for the things we presently think are annoying. ;-) Hugs to you.

  5. You have raised a smart, creative child, who will, no doubt, be a smart creative adult. Her intelligence and creativity will flow to those around her and improve their lives. Its the gift that keeps on giving. Good job!

  6. Wait till you have a nearly 40- year-old daughter AND an almost 8-month-old GREAT grandson. Sigh. You'll REALLY want to kick time in the ...! You will miss your daughter - ACHE for her - as she grows even more, lil' Jo. But I strongly suspect you & Dylan did an awesome job raising her & she will be like a boomerang, always coming back. Hugs!

  7. Wow! congrats to your daughter being Valedictorian! What an accomplishment! Yeah, it does seem that kids grow up in a blink of an eye..:o)

  8. My own brilliant red headed Kate, who happens to be my baby as well, is graduating in a week...and my elder is moving 9 hours from me to go to grad school...I understand exactly what you are talking about. (Insert a heavy happy yet sad sigh here)

  9. Oh my gosh! Valedictorian! That is so awesome!! You guys must be so proud!!!

  10. Anonymous5/20/2010

    Congrats to Kaity on her Valedictorianism (is that a word?) Beautiful, creative, talented & smart! The girl's got it. Of course having beautiful, creative, talented & smart parents helps.
    Now if we could just figure out how to stop that dang clock!
    Smiles, Debbie

  11. How wonderful that she is valedictorian and those stickers she made are really nice. I guess talent runs in the family.


  12. I know...My baby girl just graduated from nursing school tonight! I used to hate when I was up to my eyeballs in diapers and people would say "enjoy them now because this time goes so quickly" Now I am the one saying it! Congrats (to you and Kaity) on a job well done!

  13. What an accomplishment..congrats to your daughter...and to you!!


  14. WOW! Valedictorian! How cool is that!
    I too feel time just speeding by so fast! I wish there was a way to slow it down. My little nieces are NOT so little anymore, there's only one left in high school and she's too busy to hang out with her Aunt anymore (and it used to be her favorite thing to do! sigh.... I miss that little 6 yr old!)

  15. Congrats to Kaity! That is so awesome, you guys must be so proud.

    The wierdest thing I have had to adjust to in 25 years is a house with no children or teenagers in it!

    You two have done an amazing job.


  16. You have one cracker of a kid there. But you knew that. While you're giving Old Man Time whatfor, give him a hefty kick in the shins for me will ya?

  17. What on earth is a valedictorian? Is she gradiuating with extra special honours?


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