
Mark your calendars. . .

. . . for a fabulous show!
Two of them actually-- one in-person, and one online.

Wish I could be at both, but New York isn't in the cards for The Cart this year. I'll be at the on-line one with bells on though. I'll be in such wonderful company! Some of my very favorites will be there, including (but not limited to) Magda Trzaski, Pat Murphy, and Laurie Meseroll. Drool!

In other news-
The House Hunt of 2010 continues here on the ole Cart. 
It's not fun. I'll spare you the whining.

Inhale. Exhale.


  1. Jo, You are always up to mischeif which is probably why I like you so much, oh, that and the fact you're my favorite folk artist.

  2. Hi Jo

    How does the online show work? Will I be able to join in, in any way to see you and your work?

    Are you going to be moving far from where you live now? I hope you find somewhere soon, moving is such a nightmare.

    Sending you sunshine and blue skies from the UK ~ Julie

  3. OH! The Show looks so cool!
    I will definitely be online to check it out!
    You're hunting for a house!
    I wish I lived near you because I would happily look for you! I LOVE looking at houses! But I do know it's frustrating when you are trying to find one that "fits" just right. Good Luck with your hunt ...I would love to hear about it, even with whining! LOL!

  4. I regularly attend the Earth Angel Events here in New York and they do a wonderful job of setting everything up just so! Very lovely. Can't wait to see your things there! :D Good luck with the house hunt!

  5. Let me see if this works now! Blogger was being MEAN earlier & refused to post my comment! Waaaahhh! Anyway, I WISH I could see all those pretties in person & up close! Sigh! As for house hunting, I JUST moved a little over a year ago & I feel your pain, Jo! Good luck finding the PERFECT place! Hugs to you!


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