
Sneak-Peek Saturday

Today's table is chock full of frivolities!
Alice waits for clothes and a face while a white rabbit waits for his paws. The so-far-faceless Queen of Hearts will perch atop a circus tent when all is said and done.
(What on Earth are those turquoise tounges? I'll show you later.) A Cheshire cat acrobat stands on his head, waiting for all his finishing touches, along two one-ton teapots and a hat for an especially strong hatter. Pencils and paintbrushes wait to be put to use, along side my ever-present pile of notes and lists. Another Alice needs some attachment, and there are the rabbit's paws.
That orange tabby isn't going anywhere til I give him his legs, and a little lime-head needs all sorts of attention.
Wheels wait for color, while a cart and a bird wait for paper mache. Itty bitty propellers need to be painted red and put in their proper place. Tiny pocket watches and Alice's head wait for faces. A pink flamingo and conjoined Tweedles wait for limbs.
Tomorrow's Something-New is next on the list, waiting patiently for craters and her face, and a pile of painted fabric waits to be turned into so many silly things.
My list is long and my hands are happily doing their thing.


  1. Wow--this is how the magic happens, huh? It's like a macabre Santa's workshop--I can't wait to see the finished products!

  2. So fun seeing your work in progress photos.

  3. And what talented, talented hands they are!!

  4. I'm just amazed by what you do!

  5. OMG!!! these table is magic :)
    I love your work!

  6. All I can say is OOOOHHHH and AHHHHHH!! So much cool stuff!


  7. I love all things 'Alice' even MORE since seeing the current movie! Your Alice and OTHER creations-in-progress are MARVELOUS! Oh, I DOOOOO wish I were a wealthy person 'cause those Tweedles would be "mine, all MINE!" she says, twirling her imaginary moustache! Bwahahahahaha. My best friend & I call each other the Tweedles with Needles 'cause we do NOT do 'proper' sewing and cannot decide which of us is Tweedle DEE and which is, sigh, Tweedle DUM. So we've agreed to be simply the Tweedles. At any rate, you KNOW I adore your creations, your talent, your imagination, and your AMAZINGLY fun spirit!

  8. I just discovered you on the front page of Etsy and WOW! your work is beautiful!

  9. Hi,

    I'm Nana Oliveira from Brasil, I saw yuor work on "Blog Pirata".


    Pass by my blog

    Good Luke


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