
Show and Tell

I just put the finishing touches on a big project that has been keeping me extra busy these past few weeks. So of course I had to share. It's Cirque du Wonderland -
 Remember those odd "blue tounges" on the worktable a few days ago? This is what they were for-
An auburn-haired Alice-

An acrobat cat-
You gotta love that Cheshire grin!
The White Rabbit, giving a whole new meaning to time management-
Each little pocket watch was made from a slice of a dowel with a little eye hook in the top and a bit of paperclay, then painted burnt umber, sanded, and painted gold. Then I printed out an interesting looking old clock face and decoupaged that on there. They're all happily floating along one of Dylan's guitar strings with the aid of some teeny tiny crimping beads .
The Tweedle Twins, never agreeing-
I carved their little propellers out of wood. They really spin too.
And last but not least there's a strongman who's as mad as a hatter-
And what hatter would be complete without a doormouse perched atop his hat?

Now on to the next challenge!

PS- This whole set was a comissioned piece, so none of them are for sale. However, one of the pieces will turn into a limited edition. You'll just have to wait 'til Sunday to find out which one. Oh, she's such a tease!


  1. wow. That is astonishingly good work. wow. just WOW! Can't imagine how you're going to top that. wow.

  2. Ya'all shock me each time a new batch comes out. Jeez-o-rama. That was positively magical!

  3. Love them!! Your creative mind has to be whirling.. such a great imagination! I really like the auburn hair Alice...us red headed girls have to stick together .... especially when we are riding our flamingos.

  4. Anonymous4/13/2010

    Well, you guys have done it again! You turn my gray matter pink. It's so difficult to pick one over another, but I gotta say that your Cheshire Cat is so unexpected...he really tickles my funny bone.
    Smiles & chuckles,

  5. Amazing! was this a commission? what a fun combining of themes and cool stuff you came up with!!

    now, if I said Abraham Lincoln and spaceship, what would come out???

  6. Every time I think your ark can't get any better....you go and prove me wrong. I adore these. Can't wait to see what come up with for your next challenge.

  7. I meant art, not ark, lol.

  8. As always, a spectacular display of creative genius!! Delightful beyond words! The clock juggler is my favorite...he'll never be late for all those very important dates...

  9. Wow! they are all so beautiful.

  10. You are amazing :) Really original! I love your work!

  11. Good Lord you two! What magnificent wonderland wonders! The Cheshire cat is inspired :) .. they are all amazing! I have just made a mad hatter clock for a wonderland exhibition - I think you should definitely be joining us with one or all of these fellows :)
    Bravo as always!

  12. Fabulously Fantastic! You guys Rock!

  13. My favorite is the juggling rabbit. I found an old, old tintype of a boy balancing rabbits on his shoulders. It's now my personal visual metaphor for tension points in life. :-)

    You did an amazing job this week..."I think I can, I think I can"....becomes, "Look what you did, look what you did!"

  14. Talk about ante-upping! The attention to every detail is a veritable joy to behold. I, for one, would be unable to resist a propeller swizzle.

  15. Wow, absolutely spectacular!!

  16. Oh. My. Gosh. I'm am speechless and in awe of this accomplishment! Amazing artwork! Love the originality of each piece. The queen is stunning! The white rabbit is my favorite!

  17. You are truly amazing.

  18. Wow! I tried to choose a favorite and couldn't, but I do love the detail of the White Rabbit juggling time!

  19. Wow, Wow, Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jo those are amazing! I love them. Love the propellers, love the rabbit with the pocket watches.

    Are these for a show, a commission, or a submission maybe?


  20. Fantastic idea for the Wonderland theme! I'm always so amazed and inspired by everything you do!

  21. Amazing!!!! you let your creativity run and it delivered.
    I'm so in impressed with the whole ensemble and in love with each piece. Great work!

  22. Oh, I don't think I can find a thesaurus with the proper words to describe how beyond fantastic, wonderful, amazing and thrilling this collection is.

    Just stunning, each and every detail!

  23. WHAT EVERYONE ELSE SAID & THEN SOME! I say this is your best work yet! My hands are VERY sore. (From applauding!)

  24. Amazing! Your creations always delight me. That chesire cat is inspired to be sure! I'm sure whoever commissioned this is going to be delighted. Bravo and my hat is off to you!

  25. These are like museum pieces! What an amazing collection....I envy the collector who commissioned them. Thanks for sharing.....Twyla Marti


    Absolutely the BEST collection of this theme I have seen! All are amazing but the acrobatic cat
    steals my heart!


  27. Crikey!! Your creations are truely amazing. Thankyou so much for sharing your incredibly imaginative talents with us, via this interweb thingy. I love your blog. I love the way your mind works.


  28. Wow, looks like you've pushed the envelope a bit. These pieces are great.

  29. WOW! This collection is utterly amazing! I love each and every piece! Gorgeous!

  30. Holy Awesomeness. You two are amazing!!!

  31. Oh! Oh! Oh! It's so, so Jo!

  32. Absolutely fabulous collection!

  33. Są absolutnie niebywałe,fantastyczne prace,jestem w nich zakochana!!! Szczęka mi opadła,niebywałe.Dawno nie widziałam tak wspaniałych prac.Gratuluję talentu!

  34. Very much your works are pleasant!!! It is a lot of imagination!!! Gallant!!!


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