
Road Trip

We went over hill and dale (and mountain and desert) this past weekend, on a college hunt.

Off we go. . .
Prettiness. . .
Along the way. . .
Downtown Portland. . .
Multnomah Falls. . .
Still going. . .

. . .and going. . .
. . .and going. . .
On campus at last. . .
College kids in a giant bird bath. . ..
Decision made, bought the hat, heading home.
The hunt is over!


  1. Oh, I love Portland! Especially the open air market on the weekend--it's the best! The falls are amazing--I think I had the most spiritual experience there of any place I've ever been. It's like it drives energy right through your body. Fantastic place! Lucky folks!

  2. Bird Bath.....Babies/Children/Teenagers (and my son who is supposedly an adult) are the same the world over give them a little water and what do they want to do... play in it.. whatever their age..

    Looks like you did some miles, we traveled the length and breath of the UK when our girls were choosing University's, you get to see places that you proably wouldn't.... you all look as if you had a good day, and Portland looks beautiful.

  3. What exquisite scenery! Sigh! And SO good to see young people taking their cleanliness to a new level! BWAHAHAHAHA! I must confess, I'd have been the first one IN that bath! I was always a scamp! Still am! Wooooohooo for the college decision being made!

  4. Gorgeous pics and what an amazing looking campus! Thank you so much for sharing!


  5. What a lovely journey and such beautiful pictures! Looks like fun was had by all, and what a great college! Cynthia from Portland (well, Sandy, just outside of Portland :o)

  6. Wow! That sounds so easy! But I know it isn't! I've got one in and one getting ready.So much hassle filling out FAFSA's etc. All this financial stuff makes me want to hide in my studio! Good luck to your kidling-it is an exciting time!

  7. What a lovely drive! Congratulations on the decision being made. We have 2 in now, and 2 to go. We will be eating A LOT of noodles. ;0 xo Pam

  8. What a great drive and scenery, love that waterfall.
    Someday I would like to get to the west coast.


  9. Congrats! Wow, that was FAST.
    Wasn't she JUST a kid?

    Love that redbud tree. And the rest, icing on the college trip cake. So so beautiful. I hope to visit one day.


  10. What a beautiful whirlwind trip you made, and how great to know that decision is made and it's within driving distance. ;-) That warms a mama's heart, I'm sure.


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