
On the Table

I'm seeing triple!
I like doing things in sets of three. I'm just weird like that.

Speaking of sets of three. . .
This is what those skelly dudes will look like when I'm all done with with them. One of them is a clear favorite amongst buyers, and it's not MY favorite. Which one do YOU like best?


  1. my eye is drawn the most to the guy in the orange hat. maybe it's because it's my sons favorite color? but i would be happy to have any of them come to my house!

  2. Love the little skeletons! I love seeing what is on your table-you are so prolific!

  3. I would want all three! I guess if I had to choose though..., green is my favorite color but I wouldn't pick him. Orange is so bright and cheery and keeps calling my eye to look but I wouldn't pick him, no, I would pick the muted grey with the elongated stripes and pointy fringe on his head. He is the one that appeals to me most. :o)

  4. Other artists have also mentioned that they do their work in three's also!

    I like the green one the best. I am usually a red person, but I like the scallops on his hat.

    When are you going to do the reveal on the jewelry? I am so excited to see it!

    We are headed to Lincoln City for the weekend by the way!



  5. I always love seeing what's on your table! Funny, I do things in 4's!!
    Although green is my favorite color, I'm drawn to the gray/black hatted skelly!

  6. I like the green one best!

  7. My favorite color is green - so I would pick the green skelly. BUT - I love them all :)

  8. I've created some of my art (my fairies and spirit tags) in multiples but my mixed media painting I do singularly.
    I love your work...and the skells are adorable!

  9. Well, I love skellys of all shapes and sizes, but my favorite of these three guys is the green one. I love that you do 3 at a time. Genius! ;) xo Pam

  10. Green!!!! Red is MY fave color, but the green pops to me! Then again, how could I do anything but love ALL your creations?

  11. Perhaps I'm being partial because I purchased the first green one you made a few weeks back. He's still my favorite of the three. He needs a Bone Mama to keep him company.

  12. I like the middle one best, the green.

  13. I love your creations *-*
    Me encanta! ;D

    Na Nena


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