
On the Table

Here's what this morning's worktable looked like
on this bright and sunny day-
That big ole basket holds skellies and moons and stars in varying degrees of doneness. I like to always have a couple made up just in case one sells. Most days start with finishing 3 or 4 of them before my real day begins.  Four of the pieces on the table are already done, last night's accompliments. That little girl and her bear in the boat are awaiting more playmates.
We're making them exclusively for Earth Angels,
and you can only get them there.

There are many many more additions to the menagerie still waiting in the wings, quietly (and some not-so-quietly) demanding my attention. But they'll just have to wait their turns.


  1. Anonymous4/16/2010

    oh, jo! i have just been soaking in all the awesome-ness ooooozing from your studio. your art continues to make me happy!!!

  2. Yeah, I agree with mystele. I come to your place for a smile while I'm having a cup of tea. Feels so relaxing and I love the way you see the world. It's so awesome--kind of like Where the Wild Things Are with mysterious creatures.

  3. I want to visit the playground that is your imagination! What deliciously adorable little critters! Sigh!

  4. Your workspace looks like such a happy place! I love your boat!!!

  5. Those look like fun. Very cool. Oregon Coast huh? I LOVE the Oregon Coast.

  6. Your art is soooo much better than anything else on Earth Angels, really beautiful and finely crafted!

  7. sweet and unique as always!


Thanks for stopping by!