

Today's table is full of paper mache madness.
Boats and birds and bits 'n' bobs. 
My fingers are all gluey now, and 4 paper mache pieces are warm from the oven (I lack patience) and ready for the next steps in their creation. Two of them are destined to be one-of-a-kinds, one of which will be available March 31 at the Ehag Emporium. One of these noggins will be there too (in a much more finished state), but I haven't decided which one wants to sit where yet.
I'll give you another peek and a heads-up before their debut.

In other news, my girly comes home from Europe tonight!  I was doing OK with her being gone 'til I Google-mapped where she was staying. It was at that point that I got a real idea of how very far away she was. I've been sleeping with her blankey since (shhh, don't tell her.) 


  1. Jo, Jo, Jo...
    You always make me smile. I have never seen your creations and not just grinned. Please keep us up-to-date on how they evolve.

  2. Joee, you make me smile on so many levels.

  3. AND I didn't read Autumnforest's comment before I posted. ;-) See how true it is?

  4. I'm smiling, too! You intrigue & delight me every time I visit! And OH, how I understand the blankey! It's been 8 looooong YEARS since I saw my daughter! I ACHE for her! She & ALL the grandchildren & my great grandson will be here this summer! HEAVEN! I'm SO HAPPY your daughter is back! Hugs!

  5. Oh jeez... I never thought of baking paper mache to speed it up... what do you bake it at so as not to turn the house into a crispy critter?!


  6. Gosh, but I wish I could be a 'fly' on your wall!

  7. Can't wait to see how all those come together. I know what you mean about patience. Most of JOL (balloon based) go in the oven and the pilot light does the rest. There's been times though when I've tried to speed it up turned on the oven, forgotten, and POOF! is the next sound I here as the balloon burst. Of course I won't repeat the sounds that come out of me after that...


Thanks for stopping by!