
On-the-Table Tuesday

On the table(s) today. . .
The last few pieces of our latest order await their final touches.
An invented game waits in the wings for drying time.
My kids are off for Spring Break. While the eldest in still in Europe on her Senior class trip, the youngest and I are having our own kind of nerdy fun.
A tower of clean towels waits to be put away
amidst a whole lot of starts
(and a couple of finished's that you'll have to wait til next Sunday to see).

What are you up to this on this fine Tuesday?


  1. Um, I am at work looking at your blog when I am, um..., supposed to be working. I needed a severe mental break and your blog seems to do the trick. I love your art.
    Be back soon! :o)

  2. I can't wait to see the horns and wing doll on the bottom table! I've been busy making a big art doll...yay!

  3. Catching a shot of Woody Woodpecker on the tree outside my window! And working on Barbiepalooza for this weekend.
    LOVE love love this blog. It helps me each and every time I visit.

    Have a great week.

  4. oh my, is that a Raggedy Anne I see!!! I am in LOVE!!!

  5. I was attending a one day course learning something new.


Thanks for stopping by!