
Fish, Hands, and Issues

It occured to me that the worktable pictures I offer up are usually taken in the morning before I actually get to work. Most evenings I clean up my workspace so that in the morning I can be greeted by something less than a crazy overwhelming mess. But I haven't paused mid-day to snap a pic. This is when I'm actually elbow deep in working and generally too occupied with the arty goings-on to stop for a camera break. Anyway, I did that today. Here is a more truthful rendition of my worktable, mid-play--
Undone creations commingle with the flotsam and jetsam of art-making.
There are several fishy  fishes on the menu today, each little scale needing my attention.
(I go through about 4 of those little paintbrushes each month.)
My raggedy hands won't be winning any Pretty Hands awards (is there such a thing?) but I still ♥ them. Oh sure, they're fickle beasts, prone to wayward mark-making and other such shenanigans. They have a checkered past, an uncertain future, and they're never quite free of painty stains. And let's face it, they have issues, but then again don't we all?


  1. I've a pinched nerve in my right bicep and on some days am unable to use my right hand. I am very thankful for my messed up hands as well. I like that you say their future is uncertain. My right hand hurts so much sometimes, yet I keep on working them. So, yes WE ALL have issues, lol... God bless your hands and the art you make with them...AWESOME BEAUIFUL!

  2. I love the fish and think your hands are lovely! (maybe 'cause mine are usually in the same state!)

  3. Oh... I just love that fishy! and I'm glad to see other artist begin tidy but progress into a world all-ajumble. ;-)

  4. You are still tidier (even in your mid-chaos) than I will every be. :) Lovely to see all of them ready for their turn. As for your hands, I think they are bee-u-tee-ful. I am grateful for mine, too.

  5. love the bunny already and can't wait to see what that head might be to go with the tutu!

  6. Your work table is wonderful! and as for your hands, lovely! we would be lost without them! Love seeing your creations being created. makes my heart sing.

  7. I say it all the time, but I really mean it--I wanna play at your house! You have fun toys!

  8. Jo, your hands are beautiful because they carry out the work of your creative mind! And they take the photos that allow US to SEE your amazing process & the completed pieces! So I LOVE your hands! HUGS!

  9. I love to come here and see what's on your work table...or in your hands! You are so talented and you really inspire me! ♥

  10. Oh dear...you are a very tidy worker and I shall never share with you photos of my workspace --shameful!! Pretty is in the eye of the beholder and your hands are pretty in my eyes. Keep the lovely pieces coming Joee!!

  11. I had to do some fine line painting for presents this year, my hands are not as steady as they used to be;)
    Need to get organized again, so I can do some painting.


  12. If you could see my work space now before I've even started work ..... shambolic!

    Artists hands are beautiful hands.

  13. I had to giggle at your idea of 'chaos' mid-day; still giggling! I loved this post! I think most hands have 'issues' but aren't you glad that you have them? Me too!!

  14. Holy cow, your work space is incredibly clean! I've been doing art journals lately and that activity takes my work table from reasonably clean to tragically chaotic in about ten seconds.

    Part of the reason I love it! :)

  15. Anonymous3/11/2010

    When I was 19, an artist friend of mine told me that I had "old lady" hands. He was right of course (genetics). After I got over the shock of his comment & forgave him (haha) I decided that if I could choose, I would rather have hands that could create beauty than to have hands that just look nice. Truly beautiful hands create...like yours.
    Smiles, Debbie

  16. Ya know, Everyone is right. your hands are beautiful! and they create works of art that are Fantastic! I often hide my hands- cracked, ugly and splattered many times with spots of paint, but now I won't anymore! I'd rather have them than perfect manicured ones that never create anything!
    XOXO - Cindi


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