
Dr. Suess

Happy Birthday, Dr. Suess!

Heading to the library today to indulge my inner child.

“Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.”
-Dr. Suess


  1. Happy birthday! What a brilliant person-wonder if anyone quite that way will ever occur again in future populations? Believe it or not, I didn't read his books until I was an adult. My parents had no kid's books in the house and didn't do "baby" things, so I missed all the kid books and movies. I read them and watched them with my son in just as much rapt excitement to finally catch up on the "kid" things.

  2. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! Have a great time at the library today...Susan

  3. Suess is Sensational!
    Those Tartinkers, Tintastical;
    His Birthday Beaunificent!

  4. I'd buy those Suess books in a store.
    I'd read them to two kids (or more!)
    I'd read them - EVERY SINGLE PAGE!
    I'd read Suess books at ANY age!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DR. S.! And thanks for giving the world such joy!

  5. Yes! Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss! I wonder if he had any idea how many hours we would spend reading and re-reading his books...so many hours that we memorized some books! lol... I still love reading them and I'm 54 yo...


  6. A house is not a home without at least a dozen or so Suess books. A complete set is preferable though. I had no idea it was his birthday until I read my daughter's school menu yesterday -- naturally they served green eggs and ham.

    Today's coffee break reading will be Dr. Suess.

  7. I adore Dr. Seuss! I remember reading those books to my little brother, and then to my own kids. I had One Fish, Two Fish memorized at one point. LOL! What a great guy he was. :) xo Pam

  8. Love Dr. Seuess! My daughter just saw the Seuessical with her theatre appreciation class! My fav is Horton~"A person's a person no matter how small!" And of course, the Lorax! *sigh* love the Lorax!!!

  9. He gets smarter the older I get!!! Pure genuis and made my childhood full of fun and whimsy...although there were a few critters that I thought were very naughty!!

    Thanks for the memories Joee!!

  10. Bonjour Jo! Long time no talk! I visit your blog regularly but never have the time to leave comments with my darn slow speed... DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU MADE ETSY'S FRONT PAGE THIS MORNING? If not, go ahead and check it out! BRAVO to you! You deserve it, your art is so unusual and beautiful! Hugs, LuLu


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