

In February, The Mr. gets hit with two separate occassions which require his rather limited gift-getting skills: Valentine's Day and my birthday. All in one tiny month! Present buying generally falls to me. I'm better at it, and I tend to think of it before the last possible second. Dylan, not so much. He refers to Valentine's Day as "that chick holiday". Still, he's my very favoriteValentine, and I've got hearts on the brain. So I went looking for hearts that we've made over the years (some much more recently than others). Here are some of them-
This one's the latest-
And you can see more of her here.

Speaking of hearts, lookie what the I found waiting for me at the post office-
It's a Valentine! Isn't that the sweetest thing?? I have met the nicest people in Blogland! There was a birthday present too, but I'm not allowed to open it until my birthday. (I was tempted to anyway, but the Mr said he'd tattle.) Thanks Kai!

All this generosity has me in the mood to give something away.
I'll be back tomorrow with a bit of Giveaway sweetness.


  1. Giggle! I'm surely happy that you took a photo of the wand because DUH-brain over here forgot to take ONE SINGLE PHOTO. I did remember to take some of your bd gifty. As for Dylan, he's a sweetie-pie. (I could tell when I did business with him. Wow! That sounded like Mafia dealings. LOL! I MEANT to say when I purchased one of his creations.) I just think MOST men are baffled by gift giving. They WANT to do nice things but aren't really sure what WE consider nice. Whatever you receive for HEART DAY and your BD, I hope it's WONDERFUL! You deserve wonderful!

  2. A birthday!
    I hope it will be a happy one.
    Love the hearts.
    I am trying to find inspiration (and time) to make Valentine cards this year... it helps to see all the blog-pretties.
    And I agree... Blogland is full of very nice people.

  3. because of you i found blogland!! and found so many other of my favorite artists and have made some great friends!! love all the hearts, fun to see all your love. now as for dylan.....that's when you tell your kids what you want and hope they get it right in telling him:) my husband at least knows he can get me a box of See's truffles and i'll be happy!

  4. Wow--You make me really like February! So magical, So beautiful. I want to know the stories behind these characters--you really need to photograph these series and put them into kids books!

  5. The Misters can be such dopes sometimes. Don't they realize that we would be instantly twitterpated with heartfelt devotion if they would only make the effort to get on the gift bandwagon just 3 or 4 special days of the year? Sheesh!

  6. Well...hopefully he'll do his best to bless you on both your B-day and V-day! Love these heart pieces you posted! Especially the Queen with her playing card soldiers!

  7. Jo,

    So happy, however early, Birthday!!

    Love your heart angel up there at the top left of the mosaic photo.

    They just don't have the gift finding genes. My hubby is very generous to me, but it is painful to see him have to go after a gift for someone else. Fast, easy...that is the gifting criteria! Gahhhh...

    Love all the pinks!


  8. I agree with the others who have said it is genetic - it has to be, there is no other explanation for it! (this explanation also makes me feel sooooo much better LOL)

    Fun to see some of your heart past heart creations along with your newer ones. All are wonderful!

    Your valentine wand is such a cool gift! You will have to tell us what the birthday gift is too!Lucky you!


  9. I would love to have those pieces on my bureau. I am not into decorating much for valentines, but those would be something I would love to fill my house with.


  10. Once I received a lavender-smelling soap on a rope from a Valentine. While I am now positively aged (because I quite like soap, though possibly not old lady lavender flavour), I'm still February 14 traumatised.

    Here's to a thoroughly Dylan-comes-up-trumps-with-best-pressies-possibly-to-be-imagined February! (no household appliances, Dylan).

  11. I wander if a bit of steam from a tea kettle could loosen up the envelope flap enough to peek inside without any evidence of doing so, hmmmm.....
    LOVE all your hearts, I tried but I can't pick a favorite!
    Hopefully Dylan will come through with something (and separately)for both Valentines Day and your Birthday!
    But hey, It's better to have a "good" guy all year long than a "smooth" one just for Holidays! LOL! Happy Early Birthday!!!

  12. Oh Jo, is your B'Day the 20th? Mine is the 19th! My mom's was the 15th and my niece's is the 21st, my gran's the 12th, and a nephew's is the 20th as well.
    Man, we get DOWN for February, let me tell you!
    Happy everything to you, kiddo!
    Candace in Athens.

  13. I just found your blog.
    I love your dolls. They are done so nicely, you can tell, they are quality. I love your Queen of Hearts
    Very creative. I visited you on you Etsy site too. Such original pieces of art. I love dolls.
    I just started making them a few months ago. My biggest trouble, is to learn how to blog. It takes me forever to figure out hoe stuff works - that happens when you're 50+ and are technolgy challenged!

  14. You art is so distinctly YOU (both of you). I love that. These are all so beautifully amazing.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  15. I love your new Alice and who could resist that great cat.
    Carmen Mays


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