
Face It

I like those odd doll/stuffies that are some sort of genetic engineering experiment gone terribly wrong right. There's probably some sort of official word for them, but I haven't discovered it. You know the ones? They have stuffed animal-ish bodies and masky doll faces. There's just something so weird-but-sweet about them. Which, come to think of it, descibes most of my favorite people too.
I myself enjoy putting a babydoll face on most anything. Here are the lastest face-ums.
I can't pick a favorite. Not only because it hurts their strange little feelings, but because I'm fickle and change my mind way too easily.


  1. I love them all but that mushroom is too awesome!

  2. I like to think of them as dolly reincarnations so that they can be both human and animal--best of both. It's strange how normal it looks to see a human face on an animal, but if you reversed it, it'd be disturbing, huh?

  3. I am with you, they are all so special. I couldn't pick a favorite either.

  4. Joee, this is a delightful group of your faces appearing in unexpected ways!!! (I won't comment any further because we wouldn't want to hurt any of their feelings...wink!!)

  5. LOL! I had to laugh when I read that weird but sweet remark about some of your favorite people! Me too! Everyone is weird but sweet (or at least looks sweet! tee hee!)

    Oh! and I would never pick a favorite either! (brown little bear) Never!

  6. Hey, weird but sweet is good. And uhm, can we really make a remark like that when JUST BELOW, Old Fish Face and his "date" -- surely one of the weirdest and possibly sweetest -- are having their very own moment of glory in this pantheon of Weirdsweetville? lol.

    Gosh, Jo, happy everything and to your little face ums too. (rabbits... shhhhh)
    Candace in Athens x

  7. Gosh, I know what you mean about picking a favorite. First I thought cat, then it was bunny, then my mind changed again! Love them all!


  8. I collect and love those little stuffies .and in my weird little mind I call them poodleypooes!! Don't know why though.I have one that's a red rooster! love the bunny face umms!!!

  9. All TOO cute but I truly LOVE the dragonfly!

  10. Weird but sweet is my favorite kind of doll (or person)! I am gravitating toward that little mushroom person, but in case the others are listening in, you are all fabulous! :) Pam

  11. First, THANKS for responding to my 'help' email! LOL! Must have been Yahoo last night. Whew! As for the dolls - when I was little (a hundred years ago) MOST of the stuffed animals were like that! I have an original Smokey the Bear from 1952, and his face is this waxy stuff (kind of creepy, really) but his body is (or WAS) fur. So, despite the love/hate thing with their appearances, I think I sort of favor those oldies! And YOUR creations? I ADORE them, one & all!

  12. Hummmm...did try to pick ONE favourite. I found that if was quite impossible, and just love all of your exquisite creations. (Though I DO have a 'thing' for bunnies and bears...and mushrooms..and.....)

  13. I have only just discovered your stuff, Love it! i have put a post about the two of you on my blog. Wonderful, wonderful, and magical. Thank you.

  14. Hi, I love your blog, it is beautiful, I am from Brazil, I have got a crafts blog, kiss

  15. OMG! I love the dragonfly. I want it so bad I can hardly stand it! JUST AWESOME!!


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