
Bunnies and Kitties and Bugs

It was bunnies and kitties and bugs (oh my) on The Cart this week.
Pretty quilted wings adorn not-so-creepy-crawlies. . .
Another kitty for the growing. . .ummm. . .what's a group of cats called?. . . According to my sources, it's called a clowder. That's just goofy. Clowder? Anyway, I made another kitty.

And another kitty too (only less cat-like) to be a friend for the anthropomorphic bunny girls.

In other news, tomorrow's my birthday!
I get to spend the day with my super awesome brother.
This is us 30-something years ago in one of those photo booth thingies.
He is the very best part of my childhood.
♥ ♥ ♥
A very merry un-birthday to you!
(Unless, of course, it is your birthday. In that case, Happy Birthday!)


  1. Love your new treasures! Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy, Happy, Happy birthday Jo!


  3. Hurray and Happy Birthday!!!!

  4. Nothing like a brother . . I feel same way about mine.

  5. First off, Happy Birthday!!! Second one of my favorite creatures in the world are dragonflies. How you managed to master it into your creation is brilliant.

  6. LOVE your new creations - especially the dragonfly!!!!!! I am in love with 'draggies' the way YOU are with Red Riding Hood! And you were adorable as a child. I'm betting you still ARE! It's awesome that you got to spend time with your brother! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIL' JO! I actually just sent you an email a few minutes ago! HUGS & MORE HUGS with balloons, yummy cake & ice cream, and lots of gifties on top!

  7. Love your buggies! Hope you have a fabulous birthday! I am almost finished with my first painted quilt made from the patterns I won and I love it!

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    I love the color palette (as always!)
    Clowder? Never heard that one before! I thought you called a group of cats -MY HOUSE!
    Oh, and you and your brother are just adorable! too cute!

  9. LOVE the dragonfly!! I, too, have never heard of a 'clowder'.
    Have a "Happy, Merry" with your brother! Wonderful to have those kind of relationships!

  10. Hope you are having a fabulous day, Jo!!!

  11. Happy Birthday to you *and* hope you have the best time of it yet! GREAT photo and there is nothing like a brother, is there?

  12. Happy Birthday Jo! Hope you have a lovely time with your family.

  13. Happy birthday from me, too!

  14. I just found you on ebay...CUTE as can be.
    Love your work, your spirits.
    It shows in your work and words.
    Happy to be meeting you.

  15. Happy birthday!!! bon anniversaire!!! no-work-all-play! Enjoy!!!

  16. Yep - a clowder of cats! Unless it's a group of kittens, then it's a kindle of kittens. :)

    LOVE the new work, and hope your birthday was wonderful! :)

    ~ Carolee

  17. And there was me and one of my brothers at permanent war and throwing typewriters on each others’ heads. Hmn. Love each other to bits now, but your childhood sounds a whole lot more brotherly zen.

    Happy birthday lovely lady.


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