
Let's Make Owl Ornaments

I made some simple little owl ornaments today, and I made a quick tutorial just in case you might want to play along.

What you'll need:
-X-acto knife
-Cotton batting
-Embroidery floss
-Acrylic craft paints (whatever colors you like, plus burnt umber)

First, print and cut out this template-
Then make a fabric "sandwich" (muslin on the bottom, cotton batting in the middle, muslin on top) and trace your template onto it. Sew along the outside lines.
Cut just outside your sewn lines. Trace the eyes. Draw the wing and beak. Then paint inside each shape, trying to avoid getting paint on lines. What color will your owl be? Then you can paint the backs if you want.

After the paint is thoroughly dry, lightly sand the entire piece with fine grit sandpaper. Mix your burnt umber paint with a little water. Paint this mixture quickly over the entire piece, then wipe it off just as quickly with a paper towel. Let it dry again. Then thread a piece of embroidery floss through the top, like so-
Then lightly sand it again, and decorate however you like. I kept mine pretty simple, but you could go all out with beads and buttons and embroidery or whatever else tickles your fancy.
Besides cute little ornaments I think they'd make great Valentines, or maybe gift tags.


  1. How lovely! Or-howl lowlvely!

  2. OH MY!
    You are SO Generous! sharing all your techniques!
    Thanks so much!, these are the coolest!
    Gotta go now, must get some cotton batting! teehhee!
    Happy Weekend!

  3. I *heart* your sweet skills and generosity.

  4. ANOTHER big thank you to my sweet lil' friend Cherie for steering me toward your blog awhile back! Jo, you are a sweetheart! SOOOOO many artists are very territorial and don't want anyone knowing how to do what THEY do because they seem to feel it will lessen their art. But you KNOW that's not true! Besides, NOTHING could lessen YOUR art! It's AMAZING! So are you! Your VERY round cheerleader THANKS you! And I'm going to make some OWLS!

  5. very nice! love the tutorial.

  6. Love owls, love these ornies, love you for your generous tut on them.

  7. Thank you VERY much! Your generosity like your creative spirit knows very few bounds.
    Take care.
    Candace in Athens.

  8. These little guys are too cute, Jo! Congratulations on your newest endeavor. The dolls you've been making are spectacular as always.


  9. Thanks for sharing! Love your owls and your blog!

  10. Thanks for sharing. I love Owls and your blog est gorgeous

  11. I LOVE you both. What wonderful, optimistic, happy & generous people you are. I am now a follower of you incredibly dear people.

  12. I Love this! I will be using my goddess dolly artworks and this technique to make tags for my dolls and more fancy ones with cord and bead accents for little slightly quilted pendants! whoohoo!
    Will send pictures.

  13. My printer is on the blitz but, I will wing it for now. I got a sewing machine for Christmas. Thanks so much for tutorial. The Owl is Enchanting! Iput on Pinterest, Owls Board! Smiles, Cyndi


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