
Bird Brain

Here's a peek at this week's batch-in-progress.

The birds are in the majority this week, with four of them in the works. That little yellow table that they're sitting on has been covered in Christmas til the other day, and I'm glad to have it back. My worktable was getting crowded.
The decision-making bit of my brain has been on the fritz this week. I've been thinking and rethinking all my color choices way too much, only to then settle on my first thought. This is why I limit my color pallette; I'm easily overwhelmed by multi-color chaos. Plus, I'm still trying to settle in to a new way of working. That, plus all the birdy designs, has thrown me into bird-brain mode. Chirp. Tweet. Caw. Quack.


  1. As ALWAYS, such fun to visit and see your PIPS! (Pretties in Progress!) I DO love the birdies but I am partial to the kitty! I'm just kind of a meeeeeow-y old gal! VERY eager to see where you are going with this new array of sweeties!

  2. Anonymous1/07/2010

    jo, i just wanted to say happy new year, and i'm still here (quietly) reading every post. the team you two make is awesome!

  3. Its always so exciting to see the creatures in progress. Really looking forward to seeing what comes of that monkey.

  4. You limit your color palette? You, my dear, are a genius! I could have saved my poor little brain so many arguments with itself if I had done that one thing. See? This is why I love your blog. Well, that and the birdies.

  5. Wow. You just don't ever stop do you? Good for us that you don't. Can't wait to see the monkey!!! And I have favourite palettes as well, or I would just sit for hours staring at all the pretty colours.
    Take care.

  6. I love all the palettes you've used! Especially when it was the whites and greys!
    Personally I find myself using BLACK all the time! LOL!

  7. i love seeing your work in progress each week! ive been dreaming of cardinals lately, we don't see them up in spokane. maybe its something to do with your blog.

  8. I can't wait to see all of these finished! Maybe you have birds on the brain baceuse you're longing for spring? ...oh wait, that's me.

    I completely agree with you on the limited color pallette. It only occurred to me just recently what a genius idea it was! I always love the colors you choose.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Bird brain? Naw, I would say that your choices are brilliant. I do know what you mean about too many choices on a colour palette though. It can take me days sometimes to decide what colours to go with and then I end up reverting to my very monochromatic

  10. Fun to see your new pieces develop.
    I still need to remove christmas, just too lazy, but I did clean off my painting table, I do need to use that.


  11. Cluck-cluck-cluck.
    Sorry, that's all I got.

  12. Ooops! I am the birdbrain, lil' Jo! I forgot to say how much I adore that cute little monkey!

  13. Anonymous1/08/2010

    I have been quietly lurking for a long time, but just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog every day! I am amazed at the amount of work you get done in a week. You set a shining example....Happy New Year, Ellen


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