
All Done. Let's Go Again.

A mushroom, a cat, a mermaid, an angel, and a robot.

Mostly, they're as nice as could be, but that robot is onery. Anytime I ask her to pick up her nuts and bolts she just gives me a blank expression and says in her little robot voice, "Does. Not. Compute."

You can see more of the latest batch here.

It's been a sunless week here on the Oregon Coast, but there were a few bright spots. Two internet buddies, Dani and Janell,  came by for a visit on Thursday. They were both sweet as pie. And Janell brought me a present!

Isn't he adorable?
He is chock full of impeccable little details.

The rest of the week was a blur of gray skies, rain, and creativity (not necessarily in that order).
I took today off and gave my workspace a much needed cleaning. I couldn't believe how many wayward doll limbs had lost themselves in tiny places! And don't get me started on the tangle of embroidery floss that I'm pretty sure thrives and multiplies when neglected. Errant buttons were wrangled, incorrigible scraps gathered, and every last unruly supply was put in it's rightful place.
Now I have a fresh pallette for tomorrow's merry mess!


  1. Ohhh I love the robot!

  2. love love love the robot!!!!

  3. Anonymous1/19/2010

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  4. Rainy days are just perfect for creativity! What a fun batch this week - Robots always remind me of "Lost in Space", hehe..."Danger, Will Robinson..."

    ~ Carolee

  5. WOW! That little Robot is unbelieveable! I think he might be my most favorite so far!

  6. Love, love, love the Robot!! Soooo charming!

    There is nothing like a clean and organized workroom to get the creative juices flowing!


  7. They're all such brilliant little cuties. I don't know how you can let them leave your home! I would want to keep them all. I'd love to see your workplace with little limbs strewn everywhere. A real Frankendoll space.

  8. The robot may be ornery but it's also fabulous!

  9. Whoever would have thought I could fall head-over-heels in love with - GASP! - a teeny robot-person! BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, Jo! And isn't it too fun and satisfying to have a totally clean workspace? Of course, those don't STAY clean very long, but if they did they wouldn't be USED to make wonderful thingies!

  10. That was so sweet of your friends to come by and bring this adorable fella to brighten your day! Sending sunshine and happy thoughts...Ssuan

  11. A little Marvel ..that's what that little robot guy is ! Great design idea. your friend janell's gift to you is the cutest snowman I've seen. The features she has painted are adorable.

  12. Oh, but how fun it is to mess it up all over again! LOVE the robot!I also like the gift from your friend.

  13. The robot is absolutely awesome. I tried doing some plushies at one point, but I only got one successfully completed, they were felt. I like the whole painting idea; I think that'd be easier to manage than trying to sew on facial features.

  14. Love 'em all...but that robot is absolutely amazing!

  15. Anonymous1/19/2010

    The robots are a hoot! Nuts & bolts? never...

  16. Love 'em all too...but especially the robot and the cat! Great work!

  17. Forgot...Congrats on getting your work space cleaned up!! Want to come over and take care of my mess?? LOL!!!

  18. Danger Will Robinson! Danger! of falling in love that is. I love the robot and of course the rest of your menagerie. I'm glad to hear you had some time off to play with the dynamic duo, Dani and Janell now back your lovely mess.

  19. Oh I love the robot! Okay, so I love everything you do but the robot is adorable! :)


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