
Lumpy Bumpy Bami Ballen

I wanted to wrap these simple ornaments for my neice and nephews in a special way, so I thought I'd try making Bami Ballen
First, I wrapped my ornament in an envelope.
(That's the back of the ornament showing, they weren't that simple.)
Then I wrapped it in a layer of crepe paper and gathered lots of little treats and trinkets
(in this case, candy and mice).

A bit of treasure went into each layer of crepe paper, alternating colors, like so-

A gazzilion yards of crepe paper later, I had 3 Bami Ballen (ok, maybe more like Bami Lumpen).

I think they turned out cute, and I'm sure the kids will have fun uwrapping them. Just one little problem. . . I got them mixed up in the wrapping process and have no idea whose is whose! Sigh. Martha Stewart would not approve. Oh well, at least they're all going to the same house.


  1. That is a cute idea for the kids.
    I miss that part, mine are too old to have fun, they are more fuddy duds than I am;)


  2. A sympathetic: LOL... hohohoho
    They sure do look cute.

  3. Way fun! You're like the dream auntie!

  4. Very cute and fun! You are the dream auntie...There need to be more auntie's like this!

  5. Anonymous12/11/2009

    Hi Jo.
    I arrived here via Art Propelled.
    What a terrific idea for wrapping children's gifts. Something I could do for my grandchildren.

  6. What a very cool idea! They look great and would be so much fun to unwrap.

  7. I love this and may have to make some of these for my Grandboys. FUN! Mine won't be as neat as yours!

  8. Oh, PHOOEY on Martha! Yes, she IS Madame Perfecto, but YOU are the Creative Queen AND sweet to boot. So to Ms. Stewart I say, "Nah-nah! Look at Jo's darling gifts!" The kiddos are going to think you are the BEST! (I do, too!)

  9. I would love to see their faces when these sweets start to fall out as their are unwrapping them. Terrific idea!

  10. ...That is such a nifty idea! I had never heard of that and I love that Victorian Trading catalog too - don't they have some of the neatest stuff?

    ...(can you tell I'm from the Leave It To Beaver era with the word "nifty" and "neatest"?lol:o)

    ...Thank you for the idea and your Bami Ballens look great!

    ...Merry Christmas & blessings too... *<:o{)

  11. That looks like playtime to me! Just as fun wrapping as it is unwrapping! I have been away from reading blogs for the last week, oh how I've missed my cart before the horse friends. Blog on...your ideas are fan-tabulous!

  12. Anonymous12/12/2009

    Hi Jo,
    This is the best idea! It's a skimpy Christmas as far as gifts go this year, but it can still be fun if I wrap things up like this. You have answered my prayers without even trying. You are the best!
    Smiles, Debbie

  13. Martha would approve of your thoughtfulness.....plus she has people~ Merry wishes!!

  14. Lol! I had never heard of Bami Ballens but yours turned out nicely! (will the kids notice that you've messed up? Naaa...) ;-P


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