
December Already??

 It has been a busy week around the ole Cart. Along with a lovely Thanksgiving dinner for 8, house prettifiying, and about a zillion dishes, we managed to get 4 new pieces done. I put the finishing touches on everyone yesterday morning, just in time to greet December.

This fashionable snow couple has been leisurely strolling around the studio.

I felt more like a dentist than an artist at times making these toothy fellows.

A happy moon with a little friend likes to spout poetry.

In a couple of hours I'm meeting a couple of on-line artist buddies in real life for the first time. We're having a girly day with crafts, the beach, antique-ing, lunch, and probably lots of giggling. Yay for new friends!

Happy December everyone!


  1. How delightful! I would say you accomplished a great deal! **blows Christmassy kisses** Deb

  2. Sounds like wonderful fun, enjoy!

    ...and I'm loving the fairy in the moon!

  3. I can't imagine a better way to spend a day! Love the happy moon and friend!

  4. Wow how gorgeous are those snow people!! absolutely stunning!!

    Micki x

  5. I didn't think I would EVER again fall in love. But I have. Your wonderful moon and the poetic lil' friend has captured my heart! Oh, Jo! I love EVERYTHING you make, but this piece is SPECIAL. The expression on the moon-sitter's face almost made me cry it's so sweet! Thank GOODNESS for the cute toothy grins of your snowfolks to keep me stoic or I would have dissolved into Kai-mush! And while I'm SO glad you are having a girl's fun day & getting to meet online friends, I DOOOO so wish I could be one of that group! WHAT FUN! Please, give us a play-by-play account so the rest of us can FEEL as tho' we were there! HUGS!!!

  6. I just adore your rendition of Xmas. It's like the Xmas we all dream of. Beautiful stuff!

  7. Cannot believe you did this over Thanksgiving holiday!?! LOVE the snow people and their toothy grins! Have fun with the new-found friends!

  8. I don't know how you get so much done! I suspect elves are involved. :) All the new pieces are just magical, teeth and all. I love getting together with a gaggle of girls - lots of laughing, I am sure! :) Pam

  9. Good gracious, I just read all your doings and fixings and then saw you had done these lovelies and I only have one question:
    Are you on CRACK???
    Seriously, this is great great work and all done during the holls. Fantastic. And it brings a big smile of its own, I can tell you that.
    I love love love meeting blog friends. Have done this with two sister artists now. Nothing like it.
    Have fun!
    Candace in Athens.

  10. That first piece got a smile out of me.
    Hope you have fun with your friends, it is always great to meet up with people you talk to online.


  11. When pieces of art make me smile I know that it is something I should have! One of these days I will!

    Marvelous work as always!

  12. The snow lady is wonderful. So wistful.

  13. I want to call those two Mr and Mrs Smile Awhile and the happy little moon is OUT of THIS WORLD cute! I was walking the three doggies tonight and saw the moon and thought of you...I think the man in the moon winked at me, or was that you?

  14. I saw these in person and they are
    absolutely enchanting!!!

    I had so much fun Joee!


  15. Oh, I LOVE the happy moon! How whimsical and sweet! Everything you make is so creative! Please visit me soon!

  16. Anonymous12/05/2009

    Your dolls, your art always amazes me.
    There's nothing out there that can compete with what you are doing...
    You are over the moon~: )

  17. Anonymous12/07/2009

    I had a lady email me telling me how much she loved my little doll sitting on the moon...I thought? I don't have a doll sitting on the moon...then she sent a picture and immediately I knew it was yours, lol, and there she is! I gave her your information - haha...I hope you are having a great day! I added you guys to my blog list, I have been having people tell me for a week now how much they love your work!~

    smiles with a touch of giggle on the side~

    Little Dirt Lane


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