
Little Houses for You and Me

I've been having too much fun making this colorful little neighborhood the past couple of days.
So much fun in fact, that I put together a little How-To so that we could all play.

They're really easy. You'll need:
-Tacky glue
-hot glue
-Xacto knife

Using this simple template. . .

. . .I cut my house pieces out of a recycled box.
Then, using a thin layer of glue, I stuck the pieces to fabric. I used one color for the front/back/sides, a contrasting color for the roof, and another color for the door.
Then I cut my pieces out like so.
I snipped off any corners, and made little snips all along the top curve of the door.
Next, I glued the fabric edges down with Tacky glue
Then I cut little X's in the windows to make foldy-over flaps.
You'll have to snip a bit extra off the flap closest to the edge, like so--
All glued and pretty and ready for the next step--
Then I glued scraps of fabric over the inside of the windows.

Next, I hot glued the sides to the back. . .
. . .and then the front.
Finally, I glued on the roof, the little door, and a button for a doorknob.
Little Housey Goodness!
I played with my template, making bigger and smaller houses and other shapes and styles. Here's another template for you too--

So many possibilities!


  1. love them, thank you so much!! one of my favorite decorations as a kid, my sister and i would fight over who would put them out was the little cardboard village with the holes in the back for white lights. i always keep a eye out for them at yard sales since ours got ruined in a basement flood! i think this year i will make our own and let the kids do their own. you are just so darn talented!!

  2. Thanks so much. I too just loved the little Putz houses when I was a kid. Have thought about making some for years but never made the time. My grandkids and I will be making some of these little beauties during Thanksgiving days off from school and I am sure for many more days. My brain is just racing, as you say the possibilities are endless. Thanks for your generousity and talent. Linda in New Mexico

  3. How cute! I want to live in one!

  4. I love these - I could make my own Christmas village if I had the time!

  5. Thank you for these, just right to do with the grand children while they are staying during the holidays.

  6. these are wonderful...thanks for the tutorial..:)

  7. ...Thank you so much! Those are so cute! :o)

    ...Somehow I can't picture mine turning out as straight as yours...lol

    ...Thanks again and blessings... :o)

  8. Absolute starlet! They are gorgeous and you are sweet with bells on for sharing!

  9. I cannot wait to play.
    Thank you for sharing the how tos.

  10. These are so adorable! I want to try them. Maybe I can sneak away after dinner with a cardboard box. :) Thank you for sharing this with us! Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Those look like fun to make, thank you for the templates. I will definitely try some.


  12. These are adorable, thankyou for sharing :)

  13. Thanks for sharing : ) Love new ideas!

  14. You lil' Sweety! No WONDER we are all thankful for you! You not only are super creative, but you are super generous! Thank you for sharing the tutorial! I have LOTS of boxes! I feel PLAYTIME coming next week! Hugs & more hugs to you, Jo!

  15. Thanks Jo, for sharing. These are so great. I am going to run right home after my day job and make one, two or three.....maybe this would be more fun than cooking a turkey? Hmmm, but then again...I would starve tomorrow if I don't cook. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  16. Thank. You. Very. Much.
    Have a great holiday, Jo! And of course, Dylan!
    Candace in Athens.

  17. oh wow.....I love them!!!! mmmmm might have to have some for the Christmas season!!!!! Thank you so much. xxxRobby

  18. Your little houses are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
    Greetings from New Zealand!

  19. SO very cute Jo. I like the use of fabric on them. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

  20. Use o tradutor,porque só falo o portugues. Lindas casinhas parabéns , amei . Descobri teu blog hoje, só posso elogia-lo. Adorei! Vá até meu blog, adoraria receber tua visita. Beijocas Analú

  21. Lovely and looks like so much - I want to make some. Thanks for sharing the tutorial, very kind.

  22. lovely. I´ll feature on my blog. Hope you don´t mind
    hugs from Brazil

  23. This is exactly what I've been looking for! Thank you so much! I found you on someone's Pinterest page. :)

  24. These are delightful & you fab instructions make me think even I could brave fabric. Thank You!

  25. Saw these on Pinterest. Thanks for this. My daughters and I are making an indoor fairy garden in the windowsill. I've been trying to figure out how to make wooden birdhouses from the craft store work but I'd need a jigsaw to cut out the door and I don't want to invest in that for this project. We'll be making these this weekend, thanks!

  26. Love this idea! What size are your squares for the houses?

    1. I never measured them, Gwen, and made them in all sorts of sizes. You could make them any size you'd like :)

  27. What a great idea and so easy! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  28. Discovery your blog from Italy, love your work! I am follow you!

  29. Thanks so much! plan to play with them soon!

  30. Anonymous10/29/2013

    Very nice, so pretty, i love them

  31. fabulous ,must try

  32. This brings back old memories. I used to make these and because the windows had a decorative mesh for air escape, the insides of these houses were filled with pot pourri.

  33. Eeeeek...so gorgeous. Thanku 💜


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