
Best Laid Plans

This was the table on Saturday morning, everybody awaiting their faces and finishing touches. But if you wanna make God laugh, tell Him your plans. So it was that only three pieces were brought to life by Sunday (that weekly self-imposed deadline).

here          here           here

Today I'll be bringing the rest to life,
unless the world has other plans.


  1. So sorry you didn't get them all done. It is comforting to know that I am not the only one who suffers from this problem :) Hope you can finish all you need too this week :)

  2. Accomplishing what you have, I could not be disappointed. Of course, my weekend plans were foiled too, so I do sympathize.

  3. I do so love that owl! Can't wait to see what you do with your house!

  4. I'm amazed at the multitudinous work that you turn out under any circumstances, hand of God or no! :-)
    Most wonderful as usual!

  5. Yup. I hear ya. I have even tried covert operations. Not even saying aloud my plans and somehow.....LOL!

  6. Your work is amazing. I am in awe.. always. Week after week you get so much done. So even if you didn't get everything done, you're still miles ahead of the rest of us. It's like they say in the army, "you do more before 9 am than most people do all day".

  7. Oh my goodness, I was just getting ready to start a post with that same title! Ah well, I do admit to feeling a tiny bit better that I'm not alone in my plans gone "astray". Here's hoping you get much accomplished this week!

  8. Wow I can hardly sew a button on, your work is amazing I love the angel:)

  9. You made me laugh with that one, that is so true for me. I never make plans, I just wake up and decide what to do that day;)


  10. 'Way back in the olden days of high school, we read Burns' original "best laid plans" poem in its original Scottish wording. The phrase "gang aft agley" always makes me laugh and I love to say it out loud, especially when things are gang agley as they aft do...!

  11. What beautiful work you have here. I do not worry about what you have not done, at all... seriously, if you hadn't said anything.... mmmm.
    What a darling trio this is.

    Take care and take it easy, too.

  12. If I accomplished ONE doll per week, I'd be so amazed and proud of myself, I'd have to holler it from the rooftop! You, lil' Jo, are a wonder! And these three darlings are so cute it HURTS!

  13. Not good that it was a holiday weekend too Joee.....blame it on that! ;o) But those 3 pieces that did get finished are truly amazing!!

    Hugs, Lorikins

  14. "If you wanna make God laugh..."

    That's awesome. I have to write that down.

    I LOVE your work!

  15. I know God must smile big when he see's what his child has created...He really made you unique with very special ingredients to make the rest of the world smile big.

  16. First visit here for me: I absolutely love your work! :-)

  17. Love the red. Keep up the good work, Jo!

  18. Oh wonderful... I LOVE that sweet little owl!


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