
Yuletide Rumpus

There was frost on the windshields this morning. That's my cue to start with the Christmas goodness! Red and green and white are my favorite colors all year long, so I'm always happy to commence with the yuletide merriment.

You can see the first of the snowpeople, pine trees, and Kris Kringles here.
Who says 2-headed cats aren't jolly?

More presently, Halloween is right around the corner.
I'm sad to say that my kids have decided they're too old for trick-or-treating. Making costumes with them has always been a favorite October activity. So I've had to content myself with photos of Halloween costumes past. In honor of the new Spike Jonze movie coming out soon (can't wait!) I thought I'd share one of our favorite creations.

That's my eldest, round about the 2nd grade, sporting her favorite monster attire. Of course, we couldn't stop there; she wanted an appropriate backdrop as well. We made that using rolls of colored paper from her school, Elmer's glue, and crayons. It became an easy and inexpensive mural that graced the wall of her room for many years.

Let the wild rumpus start!


  1. Fantastic stuff! I can't wait for the release of the movie. I get the feeling it'll be my favorite movie ever because of the element as an adult seeing it and realizing how we've lost our sense of adventure and escape. I'm so very glad they're not doing it in animation or with CGI. It's being done cuddly and kind of spooky. I love that combo!

  2. Your work is always amazing but I am really amazed at the display and beast mask. You made it look just like it!!!

  3. NO ONE is too old for Halloween. I'm 46 and by golly I'm heading out. I probably will not go in costume, but you never know. I get to go with my seven-year-old daughter. When she's too embarrassed to be seen with me, I'll just stay a block behind.

    At my last house, we used to get about 150 trick-or-treaters each year. Definitely a good excuse to dress up.

    Can't wait to see what you dream up for Christmas.

  4. I love your dolls and I think I love the little snow person holding her 3 little ones in her arms..:)

  5. Where the wild things are! My 26 yr old sons favorite book. Max is such a cool dude and to think, he'll be on the big screen soon! Jack Frost swept through Bellingham, Washington last night too...on his way to Oregon I'm sure! Stay warm and cozy and keep the magic coming!

  6. Oh, Jo!!! You have REALLLLY captured my heart THIS time! First of all, my whole HOUSE is reds & greens (makes decorating for Christmas VERY easy, plus it gives me a teeny taste of Christmas ALL year) and I LOVE your newest creations. I don't have a favorite because they are ALL my favorites! As for your Where the Wild Things Are costume & backdrop - WOW! Those folks in Hollywood could surely use YOUR talent!

  7. HOLY MACKEREL (my highest exclamation of approval) -- the work, incredibulousity personified. But that photo of your daughter and the mural won my never ending delight. My college roommate and I did something similar and I am so tempted to do it again! LOL.
    Say, that little deer is some little punkin. Knew it would be.

    I am having a tribute to red and green soon. No matter the season, they never go out of style, do they, Jo?
    Take good care.
    Candace in Athens

  8. Love your new pieces and that costume is great.
    I am taking a brain break this week, then I will start thinking about new creations for Christmas.


  9. Love Love the costume and mural. I too can not wait for the movie to come out!! Happy day :)


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