
Oh Deer!

I busted out the Halloween stuff this past weekend.

I don't have very much of the ole orange and black,
but those toothy grins delight me.
(This isn't the best shot in the word, but it gives you a peek of my fluffball of a dog and my messy kitchen table, lest you think my world is as tidy as some pictures make it out to be.)
I got to spend some time this past weekend
working on the never-ending poppy quilt.

I'm not a quilter. No, I'm not being modest; I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing most of the time. However, I imagine myself quilting (and I have a vivid imagination), so I am learning the hard way as I go along. I'm discovering that maybe measuring isn't such a bad idea after all. I just have to do two more of the black and gray stripes then I'm done with the quilt top. At that point I'll seek the advice of a real quilter before I continue. Maybe.

It's been a pleasure to work on, but I'm ready to move on to the next quilty idea now. This has been a real test of my rather limited attention span. I'm hanging in there though. I'm a finisher.
Speaking of finishing stuff,
here's what sits on my work table today, awaiting my attention-

I was able to spend time on Monday making a bunch of new designs. Yay!
I'm afraid I'm already madly in love with this one-

Sometimes it's hard to let things go.


  1. Fantastic vignette of Halloween stuff! How fun!!!

  2. I agree with you; I'm also loving your new design!

  3. Oh my gosh! The little deer is precious!!

  4. I'm really interested in how you will paint that dear deer face!

  5. For someone who has never quilted before you are kicking some mad quilting bootay! Looks amazing!

  6. Like that Halloween display -- I'd better get going myself.

    I've been a "quilter" for 15 years. I must say I've never done any quilting that complicated. I like things to have four sides and four right angles. Actually, I demand it. I'm quite impressed with your quilt.

  7. For a non-quilter you are doing a fantastic job! and I love your new designs. You are a real inspiration...keep up the good work.

  8. Great halloween pieces, I especially like the pumpkin cat with the cat on top. Would love to know who makes that?

    Your new pieces look great. Can't wait to see them all finished.


  9. I love your Halloween goodies! especially Jack - he can stay out till after Christmas - being Sandy Claws and all!

  10. Can hardly wait to see the fawn all finished! I love it! Linda

  11. Aw come on! It's the veritable quilty home straight!

  12. You're already madly in love with it? I'd say so. I cant wait to see the finished deer.

  13. I cannot wait to see your little Bambi Jo-style finished.

    Absolutely amazing!


  14. FUN Halloween decorations! '-)

    Popping in to say a belated hello!

    Have a great weekend!


  15. UHHHHH - YOU SAY YOU DON'T QUILT? Well, I have to tell you, Jo - that gorgeous piece looks suspiciously like WONDERFUL quilting to ME! You CAN quilt. I believe you can do ANYTHING! LOVE your Halloween critters! WOW! And the new ones in progress? Do I POSSIBLY see signs of my favorite holiday - CHRISTMAS??? Or am I just wishing? The deer is the cutest thing YET! And that's REALLY saying something because ALL your pieces are the cutest!

  16. Oh my god,
    oh my god... the deer, the deer, the deer and the QUILT! You know I cannot resist coming here like a junkie... thanks for these wonderful, delightful posts as we slide further along into the Magic Times along with you.
    The deer, the deer, the deer! We have deer all around my house and you have so captured the essence and this is without the face! LOL.
    Have a great weekend.
    Candace in Athens.

  17. oh I love your work..and that little deer is just precious so far..can't wait to see it done..love your halloween decor too..love your nightmare before christmas doll..did you make him?

  18. Oh my....your quilt is lovely. I just finished my third one and I am hooked. I love fabrics. Your new goodies are sweet too...and I so need to get my Halloween stuff out, I m sooo late. Have a great day. Jackie

  19. Oh.deer...deer..deer...I so love it!!! Dianntha

  20. The deer is wonderful.

    Renee xoxo

  21. You may not be a quilter but your quilt makes it look as if you are! I love the deer and your halloween display and little dog in the background made me smile.

  22. Your quilt top is really nice, I love the colors and the pattern. You know, once you're done piecing it, if you feel like you can't or don't want to quilt it, there are long arm quilters out there who will charge a reasonable price to do that for you and some even off the chance to let you have input into the design that's quilted.

    I'm an art quilter and my machine and I have a love/hate relationship. I'm working on my first "functional" quilt top and know that the actual quilting part will drive me batty so that's what I plan to do.

    Just a thought! :) I'm sure it will be great no matter what you decide!

  23. We must be on the same wave length, I am working on a piece that incorporates a similar kind of deer into a scene he doesn't belong.

    I love your large Jack Skelington! He's one of my favorite characters.

    Don't worry about not knowing what you are doing with the quilt, a few technical pointers here and there is all you really want to know, more than that can sometimes limit your creativity. Looks to me like you are on the right path. I made one fairly traditional quilt and it about killed me, it felt so tedious, lol. I much prefer making art quilts where I make the rules.

  24. What a lovely quilt. Love the color combination on it. You did very well for a non quilter. I love your new creations. That little deer is precious. Can't wait to see her sweet face. :)
    Your Halloween display is great! Love it all!

  25. I love seeing your WIP's!!!

  26. Hey, ummm. Can I like, have the quilt when you're done?? Just kidding, kind of. Anything you touch just turns beautiful!

  27. (Claps WILDLY!!!) I LOVE the Halloween goodies!!!! Oh please come and "Boo" my house!


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