
Well, Thursday, what do you have to show for yourself?

Monday's lists and blank dollies have turned into an autumnal-colored pile of silliness.
What is this? An ice cream cone?
Nope. It's a witch.
Well, it will be.
It's a beautiful day here on the Oregon Coast.
Too pretty to be terribly productive, I'm afriad.
Must. . .resist. . .nature. . .


  1. looks like a great big pile o' perfection to me.!
    thursday should be proud. :)

  2. I Love your artwork! The little witch face has such a perfect little nose and mouth. I can't wait to see it completed.

  3. I would love to sit among your pile of silliness! :)
    I am sure all those faceless bodies are going to be great!
    Can't wait to see the Witch finished.
    Have fun!

  4. Could you just send a smidgeon of your self discipline my way...and could your throw in a dash of your talent!

  5. Oh, you are very productive!
    Every things will be absolutely fabulous, I'm sure of it...and the witch...she's already beautifull...quel talent :-)
    Hope to see it finished soon!
    Have a good evening...

  6. Wonderful! I love seeing your pieces in the early stages. Little diamonds in the rough. So fun!

  7. I can't wait to see all the dollies finished..I love the face already on the witch...;) have a great day..:)

  8. Don't be afraid Joee, I will protect you!
    You made me think of the movie Airplane.....it can be a brooch or a terradactyl.....
    Such a yummy inspiring pile!

  9. Why am I not as productive as you?? I believe I see an Alice in the making- she is always my favorite!

  10. WHAT EVERYONE ELSE SAID!!!!! (And THEN some!) Wow! When on EARTH do you SLEEP? DO you sleep? I know your BRAIN stays awake 24/7! You are amazing!

  11. It is fun to see your creative progress as it evolves.
    We are getting both warm and cold spells, so I do like to enjoy the nice weather when it comes.


  12. That's soooo cool! You lucky! You live in Oregon--it's my ultimate dream to live there. If I lived there, I would never leave the state EVER! It has everything.

  13. I love seeing your little "piles of silliness"...the stages of glorious works of art in progress. So intriguing! I think I saw Alice and three bears, a moon, some more fun masks. Can't wait to see the finished products :+}.

  14. Anonymous9/17/2009

    I love that pile!

    A ice cream cone chocolate witch!

    I'm going to be driving through Oregon on Saturday ~ I love Oregon's beaches~

  15. what a wonderful pile of imagination, the witch face is darling even without details!

  16. Five foot two and eyes of blue with a cute turned up nose and a pout for a mouth. Love her already!
    By the way, I'm a nut about Monday's too...My favorite day of the week, I'm born in January...wondering if you are too...we often like "new starts and goals".

  17. IT all looks good to me! Such a talent you are! word verification is Presson.....good one!


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