
Pointy Hats and Other Things

Pretty pointy-hatted youngster holds. . .

. . .punkin-headed playmates who'd wear pointy hats if they could-

Playing-pretend punkinhead with a pointy hat-

Not wanting to be left out of the Halloweeny fun,
this sweet little fungus has donned more appropriate colors-

Even the flamingo has shed its prerequisite pink-

Having neither a pumpkin nor a pointy hat, Celia is comforted by the fact that she has magnificent horns.


  1. So gorgeous--seems like they should have their own animation movie!

  2. Bonjour Jo! Just wanted to stop by and say Hi! I have been keeping an eye on your creations during summer but was pretty much away from the art scene for a while to take advantage of summer vacations. I am back now and really needed to take some time and tell you how much i LOOOOOVE your latest creations! The black-button mushroom is incredible! Happy weekend! LuLu

  3. Fabulously wonderful amazingness.

  4. your imagination is wonderful...I love them all and they have wonderful personalitys..:)

  5. I adore the flamingo and the button mushroom man! You are so imaginative, and I wish I could have one of everything you make!

  6. More wonderful creations. My favorite is the child with the pumpkin playmates.


  7. Your art is beautiful...

  8. Do you work day and nigth? Every thing is very nice, I like the doll with horns dressed in red...she's so sweet!
    Have an happy sunday!

  9. Your creative spirit is so inspiring! All of these art dolls are just wonderful!

  10. I love the pumpkin friends. So cute.

  11. When I grow up & get rich, rich, rich, I am going to go and buy ALL your beautiful dolls! Oh ... ooops. I don't PLAN to grow up. But who KNOWS? Maybe I WILL be RICH someday! All joking aside, your creations are such tempting material for this children/young adult writer. Makes me consider tossing away my editor title & going back to writing. You really do create wonderful lil' stories, Jo!

  12. The pumpkin dolls are just so lovely.

  13. Jo,
    The fungus head and the flamingo are my favorites. For sure they brought a big smile to my face. I think there are days I feel like a fungus head:)
    Your art is humorous and so fun. Can't wait for your next batch.


Thanks for stopping by!