
Let's Go Halfsies

It's been a super productive week around here. Especially considering the amount of company we've had. OK, I'm a crappy hostess. I paint eyeballs while we chat, I admit it. But I make sure everyone has plenty of blankets and stuff.
Here are the eyeballs (etc.) that I painted this week-
Aren't these little half-girls cute? Maybe it's a little creepy that they're kinda cut in half and all, but at least it's the top half, right? I had too much fun making those tiny hats. The top hat was not as much fun though; paper mache-ing something that small was silly difficult. But I do love how they turned out, and my fingers took turns frolicking around with hats perched atop. I told my fingers that they really needed some sort of finger-puppet attire to be taken seriously, but they're a rebellious lot and love to go around naked.

You can see the whole batch HERE, if you want a closer look.

Hope you're all having a magical Monday.


  1. Oh Jo they are amazing! The cat and pumpkin dolls are my favorite. You are making me long for fall leaves and the smell of pumpkin spice. Halloween is just around the corner.

  2. A productive week? Woman, even on your slowest week you put me to shame! LOL... =D

  3. Jo..
    They are all marvelous..You have a whole circus side show there..Very wonderful.

    Sonia ;)

  4. Halloween agrees with you. :-)

  5. I wish I was half as productive as you!! These are so amazing, especially love the cat!!

  6. You are SOOO good. ahhhh....

  7. Hi JO!
    Love the owl and triple head,,,such expressions!
    How are you doing with the heat that has made many so grouchy in the past week? I know that 80 is not comfortable on the coast, at least that was my experience...but so much better than in the valley,...I imagine they all came to town to get away from the heat, well, tourist season will end in a month and you will be able to drive through town. Wish I was there. Love the Halloween pieces!

  8. Totally fabulous!!! Your productivity amazes me!! They are all spectacular.

  9. Jo, these are terrific. Love how you mixed the monochromatic with just the right tone in color. My favorites are the double headed cat bat and the owl.

  10. These are wonderful!...... And yes, I tend to work while I chat too.... multi-task!!! In fact, I was sewing crepe paper collars in the car ride up to Mt. Ranier with my family over the weekend... Yet, I'm always behind...
    OH well...

    ~ Johanna

  11. Gorgeous! And so many! I know August is still technically summer but I always get excited when it hits - it means autumn is just around the corner! My favorite - so its very exciting to see halloween dolls this week! I can smell the leaves on the ground already! :)

  12. OMG Jo! ALL of these are absolutely delightful! I LOVE them all! How could one possibly pick a favorite! Thank you for sharing your art with us! You always inspire...hugs!

  13. Jo!!!! you seeeriously kill me!! Your stuff is beeeeyond amazing!!! Geeez Louise!! Aaron and I are drooling right now!! Really GREAT!!! WANT THEM ALL!

    So when can you and the man come to Jersey to hang??? :)

    xoxo Jenny

  14. OMG, I LOVE them ALL! (But I think I covet that kitty the most!!)

    I do the same - paint while we have company...Can't help it, hehe...

    ~ Carolee


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